News for July 2008

10.07.2008 Blast news: Detention term extended to Miraslau Lazouski

Miraslau Lazouski, former member of the underground sportive patriotic organization White Legion, was detained within the frames of the criminal case which had been brought on the fact of the bomb blast in the night of 3-4 July during the celebration of the official Independence Day in Minsk.

10.07.2008 Five persons are arrested in connection with Minsk blast

Many electronic mass media continue informing that four former activists of the underground organization White Legion, Siarzhuk Chyslau, Ihar Korsak, Miraslau Lazouski and Viktar Liashchynski, have been arrested within the frames of the criminal case which has been brought on the fact of the bomb blast during the official concert in the night of 3-4 July.

10.07.2008 Mahiliou: democratic activists state their intention to be present during the formation of electoral commissions

The local democratic activists have addressed the authorities of Mahiliou with the request to inform them about the place and time of the sitting of Mahiliou oblast executive committee and the presidium of Mahiliou oblast soviet of deputies at which the lists of members of electoral commissions will be adopted.

10.07.2008 Mahiliou oblast: about 100 candidates are nominated to electoral commissions

As said by Yury Masiuk, main specialist of the staff department of Mahiliou oblast executive committee, the majority of the nominees are presented by the pro-governmental ‘state NGO’ Belarusian Republican Youth Union (BRSM) and the veteran association. There are also nominees from political parties and those who were nominated by collection of citizens’ signatures. It is quite interesting to see, who of the nominees will be included in the electoral commissions by Mahiliou oblast authorities.

10.07.2008 Another ‘electoral campaign’ to start in Belarus on 14 July

The campaign on election to the Soviet of the Republic is to start on 14 July, said the secretary of the Central Electoral Commission Mikalai Lazavik.

10.07.2008 Police detain Anton Koipish

As a result of a search at Koipish’s apartment the police confiscated a computer system block. Then Koipish was guarded to the investigative department in Sapiorau Street 7 in Minsk.

10.07.2008 Hooliganism or intimidation?

In the night of 8 July unknown persons have smashed the windows in the car belonging to a Hrodna politician, member of the BPF Party Siarhei Antusevich. Mr. Antusevich is going to run to the parliament at Hrodna central electoral district #50.

10.07.2008 Brest oblast: BSDP ‘Hramada’ nominates candidates to electoral commissions

According to Ihar Maslouski, head of Brest oblast organization of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party Hramada, 26 candidatures for inclusion to the 16 district electoral commissions have been passed to Brest oblast executive committee. What concerns polling station commissions, the party members want to nominate their representatives to the majority of them (more than 20 out of about 40 at each electoral district). The candidates to the electoral commissions will be nominated both on behalf of the party and by collection of signatures among citizens.

10.07.2008 Belarus officially invites BDIHR OSCE to the parliamentary elections

On 9 July in the evening the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus sent official invitation to the Bureau of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the OSCE for monitoring of the parliamentary elections in Belarus.

10.07.2008 Harassment of Alesia Yasiuk continues

The police and persons in civvies have burst into the apartment of Barysau activist of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party Narodnaya Hramada Alesia Yasiuk for a search.

10.07.2008 Police are allowed to use polygraph

The Minister of Interior Uladzimir Navumau has issued the instruction on questioning of citizens with the use of polygraph. There it is stated that the polygraph which is used during the questioning ‘must not inflict any harm neither to the human health and life nor to the environment’.

10.07.2008 Ales Krutkin is expelled from Belarusian State University

The Young Front activist Ales Krutkin, first-year student of the historical faculty of Belarusian State University, learnt after he had returned from abroad, he had been expelled from the university.

10.07.2008 Youth leader Ales Kalita is drafted to army service despite heart illness

Ales Kalita, the head of the youth wing of the Belarusian Popular Front, has been found combat-fit for military service. Such a decision has been adopted by Mahiliou regions draft commission today.

09.07.2008 Minsk authorities ban assembly of the initiative for return of social guarantees

Minsk city executive committee banned the assembly of the Initiative group for realization of the right of legal initiative for introduction of amendments and supplements to the law On the state social benefits and guarantees to certain categories of citizens. The initiative group consists of hundreds of pensioners, disabled, students, workers and clergymen, who intend to struggle for the social guarantees which were liquidated by the state authorities in the beginning of 2008.

09.07.2008 Orsha region: representatives of United Democratic Forces are nominated to electoral commissions

A sitting of Orsha regional council of the coalition of the United Democratic Forces summed up the results of nomination of candidates to district electoral commissions by collection of signatures. It is necessary to collect at least 100 signatures for nomination of a person to an electoral commission.

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