News for January 2008

10.01.2008 Viachaslau Siwchyk Sentenced to 10 Days of Jail

At about 7.10 p.m. on 9 January in the center of Minsk the police detained an opposition activist Viachaslau Siwchyk. According to his mother, Halina Siwchyk, he was accused of dirty swearing and guarded to Tsentralny district police department of Minsk. This night he spent in the remand prison in Akrestsin Street.

09.01.2008 Minsk: Criminal Case against Aliaksandr Zdvizhkou Reopened

Minsk city court has reopened a criminal case against the non-state newspaper Zgoda, which was brought two years ago for reprint of the prophet Mohammad charges from a Danish newspaper.

09.01.2008 Vitsebsk: New Threat Letters from Russian Nazis

Recently representatives of an unregistered Russian neonazi organization Russian National Unity (RNE) have sent letters to the editor of the Kurier newspaper Uladzimir Bazan and its distributor Barys Khamaida.

09.01.2008 Ministry of Justice Insists on Liquidation of Oppositional Communist Party

The Ministry of Justice of Belarus had sued to the Supreme Court for liquidation of the Party of Communists Belarusian. There the ministry states that the party continued violating laws even after written warnings.

09.01.2008 Political Repressions in Belarus in 2007

During the last year Belarusian human rights activists carefully collected information about different forms of repressions that were used by the authorities for political persecution of public and political activists. Today the Belarusian version of presents an important result of their work – the list of the citizens who underwent administrative persecution in 2007. Soon the website will also be updated with information about criminal cases against political opponents and other kinds of persecution.

09.01.2008 Pressurization of Minsk Entrepreneurs Increases

Today all entrepreneurs who work at the World of Books exhibition center have been familiarized with the following announcement of the administration: ‘Since 11 a.m. till 3 p.m. representatives of Minsk city executive committee, tax inspection and the Ministry of Internal Affairs will check the regime of the working day. In case of closure of the working place without a good excuse and absence of the vendor the retail license will be annulled’.

09.01.2008 Hrodna: Advertisement of Belarusian-language Kindergarten Group Prohibited

During the last months the authorities of Hrodna do not allow the advertisement of Belarusian-language kindergarten group in public transport.

09.01.2008 Policemen Who Beat up Khedaruk Are Still Unpunished

Zmitser Fedaruk, a Young Front activist, who had been cruelly beaten up by riot policemen during the protest rally ‘For independent Belarus!’ held during Putin’s visit, has received an answer to the complaint to the prosecutor’s office.

09.01.2008 ‘Young Front’ Makes Graffiti in Support of Artur Finkevich

Graffiti ‘Freedom for Finkevich!’ and slogans ‘Finkevich should be released! Kuzkou – to prison!’

09.01.2008 Details of Detention and Trial over Viktar Harbachou

According to Viktar Harbachou, leader of the campaign For Free Development of Business, the authorities want to isolate him before the meeting of entrepreneurs on 10 January. He said it in the interview to BelaPAN.

08.01.2008 KGB Watches Foreign Trips of Belarusian Students

Agents of the KGB are interested in foreign trips of Belarusian students. They phone activists of youth democratic movement and offer them to meet in their offices or in the street.

08.01.2008 New Action in Support of Artur Finkevich

On 7 January a banner with a slogan 'Freedom to Finkevich!' was placed by Young Front activists in the center of Minsk at maxim Bahdanovich and Vera Kharuzhaya streets crossing.

08.01.2008 Viktar Harbachou Acquitted

The leader of entrepreneurs Viktar Harbachou has been released from Barysau district court. ‘He is acquitted for absence of crime in the act’, told the activist of entrepreneurs’ movement Mikhail Vasilieu.

08.01.2008 Criminal Case against Youth Activist Katsiaryna Salauiova

On 28 a criminal case under article 193.1 of the Criminal Code was brought against the youth activist Katsiaryna Salauiova. She is suspected of activities on behalf of an unregistered youth organization Young Front.

08.01.2008 KGB Can Do Anything?

Authorities of Homel oblast KGB office did not find any law violations in the actions of the KGB agents who had detained the journalist Siarhei Padsasonny.

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