News for October 2004

05.10.2004 Five journalists from Horadnia made a picket at the most crowded street (Savietskaja) on October 4. They protested against reinforcement of pressure upon independent press.

Five journalists from Horadnia made a picket at the most crowded street (Savietskaja) on October 4. They protested against reinforcement of pressure upon independent press.

05.10.2004 They refuse to print leaflets “Say “NO” to Lukashenka” in Rechyca

They refuse to print leaflets “Say “NO” to Lukashenka” in Rechyca

05.10.2004 Belarus: Restrictions on democratic freedoms October 2004 -The FIDH is extremely concerned about the continious degradation of the Human Rights situation in Belarus. The Belarusian Human Rights Center “Viasna”, a member organisation of the FIDH, and other reliable sources report continuous Human Rights violations, restrictions on political rights, including numerous procedural irregularities in the organisation of the election.

Belarus: Restrictions on democratic freedoms

October 2004 -The FIDH is extremely concerned about the continious degradation of the Human Rights situation in Belarus. The Belarusian Human Rights Center “Viasna”, a member organisation of the FIDH, and other reliable sources report continuous Human Rights violations, restrictions on political rights, including numerous procedural irregularities in the organisation of the election.

04.10.2004 Mikola Voran Protests against Censorship

Mikola Voran Protests against Censorship

04.10.2004 Youth Detained for Leaflet Distribution

Youth Detained for Leaflet Distribution

04.10.2004 BPF Candidate in Svetlahorsk Not Allowed to Organize Pickets and Has His Program Censored

BPF Candidate in Svetlahorsk Not Allowed to Organize Pickets and Has His Program Censored

04.10.2004 Orsha Police Detains UCP Candidate

Orsha Police Detains UCP Candidate

04.10.2004 Police Confiscates “Say “No” at Referendum!” Leaflets

Police Confiscates “Say “No” at Referendum!” Leaflets

04.10.2004 Are Vitebsk Observers Spied On?

Are Vitebsk Observers Spied On?

04.10.2004 Shklow Election Commission Warns BPF Parliamentary Candidate Ryhor Kastusiow

Shklow Election Commission Warns BPF Parliamentary Candidate Ryhor Kastusiow

04.10.2004 Police Confiscates Leaflets from UCP Candidates Alexander Dabravolski and Valantsina Palevikova

Police Confiscates Leaflets from UCP Candidates Alexander Dabravolski and Valantsina Palevikova

01.10.2004 Belarusian Association of Journalists expresses solidarity with the members of the editorial Board of the weekly newspaper of Belarusians in Poland - “Niva” – and protests against the methods used by the authorities towards them.

Belarusian Association of Journalists expresses solidarity with the members of the editorial Board of the weekly newspaper of Belarusians in Poland - “Niva” – and protests against the methods used by the authorities towards them.

01.10.2004 A court trial against weekly newspaper of Belarusians in Poland “Niva”

A court trial against weekly newspaper of Belarusians in Poland “Niva”

01.10.2004 Uladzimir Vialichkin is being brought to account for acting on behalf of unregistered organization – Human Rights Center “Spring”

Uladzimir Vialichkin is being brought to account for acting on behalf of unregistered organization – Human Rights Center “Spring”

01.10.2004 OSCE observers are anxious about CEC statements that 30% of people can vote in advance

OSCE observers are anxious about CEC statements that 30% of people can vote in advance

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