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Uladzimir Vialichkin is being brought to account for acting on behalf of unregistered organization – Human Rights Center “Spring”

2004 2004-10-01T10:00:00+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Uladzimir Vialichkin, head of Berascie regional branch of association “Human Rights Center “Spring” liquidated in 2003, was summoned to the police station (Berasie, vul Masherava, 27). At the beginning of the conversation the deputy of the district militia officer advised Uladzimir to change the address of the “office” because they have “too much headache because of it”. Than they drew up a statement of the case against Uladzimir about violation of part 1 of article 167/10 of Code on Administrative Humiliations “Activity on behalf of unregistered political parties, trade unions or other associations”.
The grounds for the bringing to account was a brochure “Monitoring of Human Rights Humiliations in Bierascie Region in 2003-2004”, 137 samples of which were confiscated during a shake-up in the election headquarter of Parliamentary elections candidate Uladzimir Malej who is a “Spring” legal expert.
District militia officer also wished to “talk” to the candidate.
Uladzimir Vialichkin considers the searching at the office and drawing a statement to be one more attempt to press on the candidate and his team with the aim of neutralizing them before the elections.


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