News on the topic: elections-2008

10.09.2008 Candidate Liaukovich is asked not to defame and not to slander

The editorial board of the regional state newspaper Vecherniy Brest addressed the candidate for deputy at Brest Eastern electoral constituency #1 Anatol Liaukovich with the request to change a part of his electoral program or ‘put it in line with Article 47 of the Electoral Code’.

10.09.2008 Brest: candidate complains about damage of agitation materials

The head of Brest oblast organization of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada) Ihar Maslouski, a candidate for deputy at Brest Eastern electoral constituency #3, applied to Maskouski district police department of Brest in connection with damage of his agitation posters by unknown persons. He also submitted copies of his complaint to the constituency electoral commission and to the OSCE observers.

10.09.2008 Pro-governmental candidate lies to electors

There were hot debates at the latest sitting of the electoral commission of Vitsebsk-Chyhunachnaya constituency #19, concerning the electoral poster with the biographical data of candidates which, according to part 10 of Article 45 of the Electoral Code, is to be produced by the constituency electoral commission.

10.09.2008 Hrodna: electoral meeting at school #34 organized for pro-governmental MP candidate only

On 8 September Siarhei Kuzmianok, an independent candidate at Hrodna Zaniomanskaya electoral constituency #49, learned that an electoral meeting was organized for a pro-governmental candidate Alexander Antonenka at secondary school #34. When he came there, he found that the meeting was organized only for Antonenka, though there are four candidates at this electoral constituency. The present officials did not let Kuzmianok speak to about 400 electors who came to the meeting.

10.09.2008 State newspaper still not punished for besmearing entrepreneur Mikalai Charnavus

Court proceedings in the case of the journalist for the state newspaper Nash Krai Mikalai Khudzenka and the newspaper itself have been postponed again in Baranavichy.

10.09.2008 Administration of Mahiliou state university ‘helps’ pro-governmental candidate

On 9 September a meeting with MP candidates at Mahiliou Tsentralnaya electoral constituency was held in Mahilou State University. But only one candidate, Alexander Yushkevich, who was a deputy in Krycahu before, attended the meeting.

10.09.2008 Oppositional candidate is prohibited to speak about corruption

The editor-in-chief of Rechytsa regional newspaper Dniaprovets offered a candidate for deputy Leanid Nevar to rework his election speech prepared for publication in a newspaper.

09.09.2008 ‘Equal conditions’ for candidates in Svetlahorsk

During the agitation campaign a state newspaper Svetlahorskiya Naviny published a number of articles about a pro-governmental candidate Valiantsina Kavaliova. Earlier similar materials were placed in other mass media. Earlier similar articles were published in other state media, but there were no publications about Siarhei Daineka, another candidate at this constituency.

09.09.2008 Supreme Court supports non-registration of Yury Karetnikau as candidate

Yury Karetnikau was not registered as a candidate for deputy by the electoral commission of South-Western constituency #99 in Minsk, which found invalid more than 15% of the signatures in his support that had been checked by it. Yury Karetnikau did not agree to it and appealed against non-registration to the Central electoral commission.

09.09.2008 Baranavichy: procuracy evades from giving legal evaluation

Recently a candidate for deputy Mikalai Charnavus has addressed the procurator of Baranavichy with the request to hold an expertise concerning the fact of alleged forging of the dates in the lists with signatures in support of his candidacy.

09.09.2008 Electoral commission of Homel-Tsentralnaya electoral constituency allows electoral meetings only in two locations

The electoral commission of Homel-Tsentralnaya constituency #33 determined only two places for meetings of candidates for deputies with the electorate: the sitting hall of the Scientific-methodical center of Homel oblast association of trade unions and the hall of housing economy #27 in the Kliankouski suburb of Homel.

09.09.2008 Supreme Court upholds registration denial to Alexander Lahvinets

On 9 September the Supreme Court upheld the rulings of Suharauskaya constituency electoral commission and the Central electoral commission for non-registration of Alexander Lahvinets as a candidate for the parliament.

09.09.2008 Supreme Court rejects Mikalai Statkevich’s appeal

The well-known activist and former political prisoner Mikalai Statkeivich intended to participate in the parliamentary elections, but was not let to do it. The official reason is that his conviction has not been cancelled yet.

09.09.2008 15 out of 19 candidates from the Belarusian Popular Front Party oppose to election boycott

15 out of 19 registered candidates of the Belarusian Popular Front addressed the Soim (council) of their party with the request to review the decision on withdrawing from the ‘parliamentary elections’ by 23 September.

09.09.2008 Drahichyn: pressurization of oppositional candidate’s proxy

Yury Litvinau was a proxy of a candidate from the Belarusian Union of military officers at Dnepra-Buhskaya electoral constituency #10 Mikalai Tkachuk, but had to refuse from working in the candidate’s team because of pressurization at work. He wrote the statement about cessation of his participation in the initiative group of Mikalai Tkachuk on his request – the candidate felt pity for the family of his army friend.

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