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Supreme Court supports non-registration of Yury Karetnikau as candidate

2008 2008-09-09T21:11:27+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Yury Karetnikau was not registered as a candidate for deputy by the electoral commission of South-Western constituency #99 in Minsk, which found invalid more than 15% of the signatures in his support that had been checked by it. Yury Karetnikau did not agree to it and appealed against non-registration to the Central electoral commission.

He presented to the court the written statements by some of the electors whose signatures had been found invalid confirming that they had really signed in his support. The court also agreed to question some of the electors, who confirmed having signed for Karetnikau.

Representatives of the Central electoral commission, in their turn, stated that they decided not to register Karetnikau being guided by their visual observations and the results of the police expertise. They also presented to the court the results of questioning of some other electors, who stated they had not signed in support of Karetnikau.

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