News on the topic: criminal prosecution

12.07.2007 Criminal Case against Union of Poles in Belarus Terminated

The Belarusian authorities have stopped criminal proceedings against 4 members of the Union of Poles in Belarus. Veslau Keuliak, Andzhei Pachobut, Yozef Pazhetski, and Andzhei Pisalnik can now address Hrodna police and get a stamp in passports which allow leaving Belarus for all countries of the world.

11.07.2007 Criminal Case against Youth Activist Yaraslau Hryshchenia Prolonged for 2 More Months

The youth activist Yaraslau Hryshchenia was summonsed to Baranavichy district prosecutor’s office. The investigator Yuliya Askaldovich informed him that the criminal case against him was prolonged for 2 more months. Mr. Hryshchenia is suspected in violating article 193 of the Criminal Code, ‘activity on behalf of unregistered organization’. On Friday analogical case against another youth activist, Ivan Shyla, was passed to court. Most probably, Shyla will be judged in August.

11.07.2007 Break till 25 July Announced in Lukashou’s Case

Today at 11.30 a.m. a verdict on Kanstantsin Lukashou’s case was to have been read. We should remind that yesterday the state accuser demanded to sentence Mr. Lukashou to 2 years of conditional imprisonment.

11.07.2007 Political Prisoner Artur Finkevich Threatened with New Criminal Case

The head of Mahiliou special commandant’s office, lieutenant colonel Aliaksandr Lamaza reminded Artur Finkevich that he is a malicious violator of discipline, and a criminal action can be brought up against him, and a place of detention can be changed.

06.07.2007 Zmitser Dashkevich and Nasta Azarka Face New Criminal Charges

Criminal cases might be instigated against Zmitser Dashkevich and Nasta Azarka

06.07.2007 Experiment Provocation

Minsk region prosecutor’s office investigates three criminal cases against policemen who violated the law when holding field experiments for revealing corruption and bribery, said Mikalai Pilinkevich, deputy prosecutor of Minsk region.

06.07.2007 Criminal Charges against Young Front Activist Sent to Court

It is expected that Shyla’ status of a suspect would be changed to a status of an accused.

05.07.2007 Criminal Case against Activists of Union of Poles Reopened

Police reopened the criminal case against four activists of the Union of Poles, which is not recognized by the authorities.

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