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Deputy Chairman of the Belarusian Popular Front Vadzim Saranchukou sentenced in absentia

2024 2024-09-03T23:06:38+0300 2024-09-03T23:07:26+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Activist and deputy chairman of the BPF Vadzim Saranchukou was sentenced in absentia to four years in a penal colony.

He was also fined 24,000 rubles. Vadzim reported about this on his page on his Facebook page.

 “Special thanks“ to a "wonderful lawyer" Raman Hushchyn, who recognized my "guilt” in full... I have nothing to apologize for or be ashamed of) I believe that I do everything right!”

Saranchukou was charged under Parts 1 and 2 of Article 361-4 of the Criminal Code (promoting extremist activities). Special proceedings against him were launched in March.

The trial took place in the Hrodna Regional Court, presided over by Judge Aliaksandr Kozel.

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