News on the topic: political parties & movements

07.03.2008 You can picket … with the agreement of police, firemen and ambulance

The consideration of the suit of Hrodna office of the United Civil Party against the local authorities lasted for about three months.

06.03.2008 Court Upholds Drafting Zmitser Zhaleznichenka to Army Service

Today judge of Homel City Tsentralny District Court Zhana Andrejchyk hasn’t supported the challenge of the mother of the activist and found Zmitser Zhaleznichenka’s expellation from Homel University legal.

06.03.2008 Trial on Rehabilitation of Z.Zhaleznichenka at University

The first court hearing on claim of youth democratic activist Zmitser Zhaleznichenka against the Frantsysk Skaryna Homel State University was held on 5 March in the court of the Tsentralny district of Homel.

06.03.2008 Mikhail Kryvau: ‘There can be any evidence of my guilt in the fabricated case’

In his interview with the UCP press-service the activist of Young Democrats Mikhail Kryvau said: ‘I consider the criminal accusation for my participation in the meeting on 10 January as a legal boundlessness. Yes, I really participated in this action, but I have never fought with the road police, did not rush under car wheels, did not break anything, did not beat or insult anyone, unlike some riot policemen, who beat and insulted the detained meeting participants in the police busses. I have a clear conscience and can answer for all my actions.

05.03.2008 Police Illegally Copies Documents of Political Parties

On 4 March near Shchuchyn the police detained the car of the human rights activist Viktar Sazonau, who was driving home together with the regional activist of the BPF Party Siarhei Malchyk and the chairman of the regional UCP branch Yury Istomin. According to the police, they were looking for forged money. After the preliminary examination of the car the police guarded the detainees to Shchuchyn district police department and kept them there for three hours.

04.03.2008 Criminal Case against Katsiaryna Salauyova Passed to Court

The criminal case brought against Katsiaryna Salauyova under article 193.1 of the Criminal Code – participation in unregistered organization – has been passed to court.

04.03.2008 Imprisonments for Meeting in Salihorsk

A member of Salihorsk branch of the Young Front, 18-year-old Zmitser Banko was sentenced to 3 days of jail. The activist of For Freedom movement Uladizmir Shyla, entrepreneur, father of the Young Front activists Ivan and Illia Shylas, was sentenced to 15 days.

Salihorsk: Police Detain Meeting Participants

03.03.2008 Salihorsk: Police Detain Meeting Participants

On 2 March about 300 people gathered in the central square of the town of Salihorsk to take part in a meeting for protection of the social guarantees. The action was violently dispersed by the police with participation of the riot squad that came from Minsk.

03.03.2008 Police Confiscate 2 000 Copies of Svaboda Newspaper

About 2 000 copies of the non-state newspaper Svaboda were confiscated from an activist of Asipovichy branch of the Young Front Artsiom Dubski.

27.02.2008 Criminal case against Andrei Kim ready for trial

According to the Code of the Criminal Procedure, the case will be sent to court when Andrei reads through the case materials. The trial is likely to start in March. Andrei Kim faces up to 6 years of imprisonment.

19.02.2008 Zhaleznichenka’s Mother Appeals against His Expulsion from University

On 5 March the court hearings on the suit of Zmitser Zhaleznichenka’s mother against Homel State University will start. On 18 February the judge of the Tsentralny district court of Homel Zhanna Andreichyk listened to the positions of the sides and decided to start the trial after Zmitser receives an answer from the Ministry of Education, to which he had complained against the illegal expulsion.

19.02.2008 Presentation of ‘Shrek-3’ Cartoon and Meeting with Uladzimir Arlou Banned in Salihorsk

In the beginning of February Salihorsk organization of Young Front applied to the district culture department with the proposal to show the ‘Shrek-3’ cartoon in Belarusian language and combine it with a meeting with a well-known Belarusian writer and historian Uladzimir Arlou.

19.02.2008 FIDH and Viasna: Open Letter to Belarusian Authorities on Harassment against Zhaleznichenka

Minsk-Paris, 15 February 2008 – The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the Human Rights Center “Viasna” express their deep concern about the Belarusian authorities’ repeated harassment against the youth activist Dmitry Zheleznichenko.

18.02.2008 ‘Cold, Hunger, Rats’ – Franak Viachorka about Conditions in Akrestsin Jail

Franak Viachorka, the chair of the cultural commission of the BPF Party, has been expelled from the journalistic faculty of Belarusian State University for poor academic progress. He did not manage to pass his exams in time because of 15-day arrest for ‘dirty swearing in public’.

18.02.2008 Detained Young Front Activists Were Released with No Violation Reports Drawn up

All members of the underground oppositional organization Young Front arrested near Minsk on Saturday were released without charges later that day.

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