News on the topic: political parties & movements

15.02.2008 Franak Fiachorka: ‘I am a student who does not correspond to the new conception of the journalistic faculty’

Franak says: ‘Today at 10 a.m. Siarhei Dubrovik, the dean of the journalistic faculty of the Belarusian State University, sarcastically informed me that I was expelled for ‘poor academic progress’ by the rector’s order which was signed by the provost.

15.02.2008 Court Upholds Zhaleznichenka’s Draft to Army

On 14 February Savetski district court of Homel left in force the decision of the district military enlistment office for drafting a local democratic activist Zmitser Zhaleznichenka to army.

15.02.2008 Teachers Forced to Join Pro-governmental Party

On 8 February Uladzimir Savitski, head master of the secondary school of the village Vezha (Slutsk district) said that there was an official order obliging teachers of his school to join the Belaya Rus party.

14.02.2008 Zhaleznichenka’s Mother Sues against State Newspaper

Ala Zhaleznichenka, mother of a the youth activist Zmitser Zhaleznichenka who is being illegally detained at a military unit, has sued against the state newspaper Homelskaya Prauda for protection of the honor, dignity and business reputation of her son.

14.02.2008 Suit of Belarusian Helsinki to Soviet of Ministers Turned down again

The college board of the Supreme Economic Court confirmed its earlier ruling by which the Belarusian Helsinki Committee against the Soviet of Ministers had been turned down.

14.02.2008 Salihorsk: Detained for Performance

The police detained five youth activists who congratulated passers-by on St. Valentine’s Day – Ryhor Astapnia, Krystsina Samoilava, Ivan Shyla, Hleb Snorkin and Andrei Tychyna. The youngsters hanged a banner ‘We Love Belarus’ on a stage near Salihorsk town executive committee. One of them was dressed to look like a large heart and the others were dressed as angels.

13.02.2008 Homel: 2 Activists Fined for Leaflets, Uladzimir Katsora Imprisoned for 7 Days

The police detained Andrei Aliashkevich and Uladzimir Shumilin in the center of Homel, while the activists were handing out leaflets to inform the citizens about a public meeting with the leader of the For Freedom! movement Aliaksandr Milinkevich, which was not authorized by the local authorities. Aliashkevich and Shumilin were guarded to the police station, where about 1 000 leaflets were confiscated from them and administrative reports under article 23.34 of the Administrative Code (violation of the order of organizing and holding mass actions) were drawn on them.

12.02.2008 Young Front Supports Candidacy of Zmitser Zhaleznichenka for Student Peace Prize

The underground youth organization Young Front has supported the initiative of the Belarusian human rights activist, the Human Rights Center Viasna and the BPF Youth (youth wing of the Belarusian People’s Front Party) for nomination of an activist of the BPF Youth Zmitser Zhaleznichenka for Student Peace Prize.

12.02.2008 Artur Finkevich Invites People to St. Valentine’s Day Action

Young Front invites Belarusian youth to take part in the rally on February 14, which is to start at 5 p.m. on Svaboda (Freedom) Square in Minsk.

11.02.2008 Hrodna: Ministry of Emergency Situations Prohibits UCP Office to Accept More than 15 Persons at Once

The chairman of Hrodna oblast office of the United Civil Party stated that the Ministry of Emergency Situations handed to him a ruling ‘on suspension of the organization’s activities’. By this ruling the UCP members are ordered to stop holding mass events in the UCP office in Budzionny Stret 48a-100 in Hrodna.

11.02.2008 Baranavichy: Police Try to Disrupt Action of Entrepreneurs

On 10 February in Baranavichy the local entrepreneurs held an action of protest against president’s decree #760. More than 200 entrepreneurs, activists of public movements and political parties gathered in the city park despite the refusal of the authorities to authorize the action.

11.02.2008 Human Rights Activists and Members of BPF Party Prohibited to Meet with Zhaleznichenka

On Sunday, 10 February, the human rights activists from Homel and Rechytsa and members of the Belarusian People’s Front Party from Zhlobin came to military units 83469 where Zmitser Zhaleznichenka is being illegally kept. The duty soldier refused to let them meet with the activist, referring to a recently introduced quarantine.

11.02.2008 Amnesty International and Belarusian Helsinki Committee Condemn Executions of Convicts in Belarus

On 5 February 5 the Supreme Court of Belarus announced that Siarhei Marozau, the leader of a Homel-based criminal gang, and his close associates, Valery Harbaty and Ihar Danchanka, had been executed by shooting. The three were sentenced to death by shooting in a months-long trial that came to an end on 1 December 2006. The so-called Marozau Gang, which was said to have terrorized the Homel region between 1990 and 2004, was accused of 16 murders.

09.02.2008 Homel oblast and Homel City Military Committees Refuse to Suspend Military Service for Zhaleznichenka

Judge of the court of Savetski district of Homel Yury Zhorau suspended execution of the decision of Homel city draft commission concerning calling up for military service for a regular term of Zmitser Zhaleznichenka. Zhaleznichenka was an A-student who had been expelled from university for the second time.

07.02.2008 Zhaleznichenka’s Mother Sues Military Committee

Recently a public activist and A-level student Zmitser Zhaleznichenka has been called up for military service. His mother, Ala Zhaleznichenka, is convinced that it was done with violations of the law. That’s why she decided to sue against the military committee.

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