News on the topic: political parties & movements

‘Trial of 14’ to start 16 April

04.04.2008 ‘Trial of 14’ to start 16 April

16 April at 10 a.m. the Tsentralny district court of Minsk (Kirau Street 21) will try the ‘criminal case of 14’. was informed about it by Andrei Kim’s lawyer Tamara Sidarenka.

04.04.2008 Zhaleznichenka to serve in the army without oath

Zmitser Zhaleznichenka, expelled from Homel University after participation in oppositional movement became known, continues doing his military service, and as before refuses to take the oath for service.

Foreign travel restrictions for Nasta Palazhanka

04.04.2008 Foreign travel restrictions for Nasta Palazhanka

On 4 April, in the night, an activist of the Young Front Nasta Palazhanka was got off the train Minsk-Warsaw. At the Warsaw bridge border-crossing point frontier guards told her that she was put on a black list of persons restricted from leaving abroad, as a criminal case had been brought up against her.

04.04.2008 United Civil Party seeking premises for XIth session

The United Civil Party (UCP) can’t find a place for holding its XI session. According to the party leader Anatol Liabedzka, more than 20 various Minsk establishments refused to afford premises.

01.04.2008 Hrodna: Siarhei Malchyk persecuted again?

31 March the chair of Hrodna oblast organization of the BPF Party Siarhei Malchyk was summonsed to Leninski district police department of Hrodna. Bear in mind, that on 25 March, during the festive actions in honor of the 90th anniversary of the Belarusian People’s Republic, he was approached by the policemen who asked him to come with them to the police department and give explanations. The activist answered that he could go there only after getting official summons.

01.04.2008 Shklou: Alexander Fiodarau sentenced to 5 years of jail

On 1 April the judge of Shklou district court Alexander Tarakanau read a sentence on the criminal case against Alexander Fiodarau, boilermaker of the local municipal service.

31.03.2008 “They prepared you well in PBF…” or How college administration harasses youth activists

One week before the Freedom Day an extraordinary meeting took place in a dormitory of Minsk State Technological College. Deputy director for upbringing Natalia Shapavalava, social pedagogue of the college, and unknown official of the ideological department of Savetski district administration met for one reason: in one of the dormitory rooms several white-red-white flags, made by the students, were found. An immediate investigation of the “incident” began.

24.03.2008 Katsiaryna Salauyova to be tried on March 27th

The trial over youth activist Katsiaryna Salauyova will start in Polatsak on March 27th, 3 p.m.

Pavel Nazdra Demands Prosecutor’s Check up

13.03.2008 Pavel Nazdra Demands Prosecutor’s Check up

On 13 March Pavel Nazdra, member of the organizing committee for the establishment of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party addressed the prosecutor’s office with the request to conduct a check-up on violations of the labor legislation by his employer.

Brest Authorities Allow Picket for Release of Aliaksandr Kazulin

12.03.2008 Brest Authorities Allow Picket for Release of Aliaksandr Kazulin

Brest city executive committee satisfied the application for authorization of a picket in support of release of the former candidate to president, chairman of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party Hramada Aliaksandr Kazulin from jail.

Activist of ‘For Freedom’ Movement Zarembiuk Haunted by KGB

12.03.2008 Activist of ‘For Freedom’ Movement Zarembiuk Haunted by KGB

On 11 March the resident of Masty, activist of the For Freedom movement Ales Zarembiuk spent 2,5 hours at Hrodna oblast KGB office.

Polatsk: Police Detain Youth with Freedom Day Stickers

12.03.2008 Polatsk: Police Detain Youth with Freedom Day Stickers

In the evening of 11 March in Polatsk the police detained Siarhei Hlinski, activist of the Belarusian Christian Democracy, and Katsiaryna Salauyova, activist of the Young Front. The detainees were guarded to Polatsk town police department and searched. During the search the stickers dedicated to the Freedom Day, 25 March, were found. The detainees were made to write explanatory notes, which can be used for drawing violation reports against them. In an hour Hlinski and Salauyova were released from the police department.

Education Ministry Ignores Franak Viachorka’s Case

11.03.2008 Education Ministry Ignores Franak Viachorka’s Case

Franak Viachorka, member of the BPF Youth (Belarusian Popular Front), received an answer from the Ministry of Education to his claim against expulsion from faculty of journalism of the Belarusian State University (BSU). In particular, the letter says the claim of the expelled student had been sent to the BSU rector’s office.

10.03.2008 Criminal Cases for Participation in 10 January Entrepreneurs’ Rally

Recently a criminal case has been brought on the fact of ‘organization and active participation in the actions that grossly violate the public order’ (article 342, part 1 of the Criminal Code), in connection with the peaceful action of the Belarusian entrepreneurs that was held on 10 January in the center of Minsk. The punishments on this article vary from fine to 3 years of jail. At present there are 14 accused in the case.

Minsk: Police Detain ‘Young Front’ Members

10.03.2008 Minsk: Police Detain ‘Young Front’ Members

On 9 March the Central council of the underground organization Young Front gathered in the Serabranka suburb of Minsk, at the office of the Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions.

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