News on the topic: political parties & movements

11.08.2011 Belarusian Helsinki Committee can be closed too

The Justice Ministry of Belarus threatens to use severe measures of responsibility against the Belarusian Helsinki Committee. The Ministry pointed the Belarusian Helsinki Committee (BHC) at the necessity to follow requirements of the law, and in particular, the right of citizens of Belarus and foreign citizens to know full, reliable and unbiased information, the message posted on the website of the ministry reads.

10.08.2011 Ten days of arrest for solidarity with political prisoner Dashkevich

On 9 August Raman Vasiliieu was sentenced to ten days of arrest for participation in the picket of solidarity with political prisoner Zmitser Dashkevich that had been held on 2 August in the town of Horki.

10.08.2011 Young Democrats held an action of support to Ales Bialiatski

Several activists of the organization Young Democrats pasted in the underpass under Yakub Kolas Square portraits of the arrested human rights activist, leaflets with information about his prosecution and the slogan Freedom to Ales Bialiatski. They also set a box to collect funds to support him.

10.08.2011 United Civil Party calls to consolidation with human rights defenders

The Political Council of the United Civil Party states that the criminal persecution of human rights defender Ales Bialiatski has a clear political background.

10.08.2011 Homel: detention of member of United Civil Party Natallia Shchukina

Natallia Shchukina, a member of the UCP and the initiative group for the National Assembly was detained on 9 August in Zhukau Street in Homel.

10.08.2011 Investigation into Anatol Liabedzka’s case resumed

The investigation in the case of “19 December mass riot” against Anatol Liabedzka was resumed on 1 August 2011. The politician called this decision “a political one, not a legal one”, informs.

08.08.2011 Belarusian human rights defenders start campaign on bailing out Mr. Bialiatski

The Belarusian Helsinki Committee (BHC) has issued an appeal calling on sympathizers to apply for the release of human rights defender Ales Bialiatski against their guarantee that he would not flee from prosecution or obstruct the investigation or engage in criminal activities.

Homel: KGB returns confiscated equipment in disabled state

01.08.2011 Homel: KGB returns confiscated equipment in disabled state

During the presidential election 2011 Aleh Karbalevich, a member of the Belarusian Popular Front Party from Rechytsa, worked in the electoral teams of the democratic candidates Ryhor Kastusiou and Uladzimir Niakliayeu.

28.07.2011 Supreme Court turns down claim by BHC

The Supreme Court has dismissed the complaint lodged by the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, appealing a warning addressed by the Ministry of Justice on 6 June 2011 for alleged “repeated tax violations”, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reports.

27.07.2011 Belarusian Helsinki Committee to address UN on disbarred lawyers

The Belarusian Helsinki Committee is going to inform the UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers on the situation with Belarusian lawyers, said BHC deputy chair Hary Pahaniayla, speaking on the recent disbarment of several lawyers this week, the BelaPAN news agency reports.

27.07.2011 Dashkevich in punishment cell again

Young Front leader Zmitser Dashkevich has been thrown into a punishment cell in the Horki penal colony for the third time.

Baranavichy authorities ban picket

26.07.2011 Baranavichy authorities ban picket

Baranavichy activist of the United Civil Party Ryhor Hryk will not be able to hold a picket on 30 July, after local authorities dismissed his application.

20.07.2011 Torture in Salihorsk detention center

On 19 July, Young Front activist Ivan Shyla serving an administrative arrest in Salihorsk detention center was taken to hospital with an acute allergy he had contracted during his service in the army.

Salihorsk: <em>Young Front</em> activist Ivan Shyla sentenced to 8 days of arrest

15.07.2011 Salihorsk: Young Front activist Ivan Shyla sentenced to 8 days of arrest

Ivan Shyla, Deputy Chair of the Young Front, was detained on 13 July in the evening in the town supermarket. The hearings on his case started at the Salihorsk District Court Yesterday, but were postponed to 15 July after he demanded to be provided with advocatory services.

15.07.2011 Yauhen Vaskovich is kept in penal cell

According to information of Taisiya Kabanchuk and Tatsiana Shambalava, coordinators of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy in the Mahiliou region, Yauhen Vaskovich, a member of the organizing committee from Babruisk who has been sentenced to 7 years of imprisonment for arson of a KGB department, is kept in the penal cell of the corrective colony #15 in Mahiliou.

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