News on the topic: political parties & movements

14.07.2011 Zmitser Dashekvich becomes “malicious troublemaker”

According to unofficial information, Zmitser Dashkevich has been disciplined twice. It is enough to become “malicious troublemaker”. He was put in the punishment cell for the first infringement. His second punishment is unknown at the moment.

12.07.2011 Babruisk UCP office sealed

There was nobody in the office expect for the lessor during the visit of representatives of the Prosecutor’s Office who took pictures of the doorplate, “talked” to the owner of the office and promised to come back a week later. The landlord sealed up the office on his own after the conversation, informs Bobruyskiy Kurier.

07.07.2011 BPF Party must vacate its Minsk office within 7 days

On 7 July the Belarusian Popular Front Party received 6 rulings ordering it to vacate the office in Masherau Avenue, 8 in Minsk, within 7 days. The rulings are signed by the court marshal Nikulin.

05.07.2011 Andrei Kasheuski was kept at Leninski District Police Department for 3 days

On July 4 the Leninski District court of Minsk sentenced Andrei Kasheuski, amember of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy, to 10 days of arrest.. He was detained on 1 July for distributing leaflets and was kept at the Leninski District Police Department for 3 days. His mother was informed about it only on the fourth day of the detention.

04.07.2011 Head of Rahachou Belarusian Christian Democracy sentenced to 5 days in jail

On 1 July Dzianis Dashkevich, the head of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy in the town of Rahachou, was sentenced to 5 days of jail.

01.07.2011 Young Front activist summonsed to tax inspection

During the last search at his apartment a Young Front activist Yul'yan Misiukevich presented a book of his poems to the KGB investigator who headed the search brigade. The book had been published at his own expense back in 2009 and had the circulation of just 150 copies.

BCD Brest activist sentenced to 7 days of arrest

29.06.2011 BCD Brest activist sentenced to 7 days of arrest

Zmitser Shurkhai, Brest regional coordinator of the Belarusian Christian Democracy organizing committee, has been convicted of disorderly conduct (Art. 17.1) by Brest Maskouski District Court this morning.

20.06.2011 BCD activists detained in Navapolatsk on June 19

Aleh Kraiko,Illya Bahdanau and Andrei Dubrouski have been warned about the inadmissibility of organization and appeals for participation in unauthorized actions

Minsk court dismisses appeals by Young Front leaders Dashkevich and Lobau

17.06.2011 Minsk court dismisses appeals by Young Front leaders Dashkevich and Lobau

Today, Minsk City Court dismissed the appeals lodged by Young Front leaders Zmitser Dashkevich and Eduard Lobau against earlier verdicts, which sentenced them to 2 and 4 years of imprisonment, respectively.

Vitsebsk: Uladzimir Ramanovich is deprived of his business because of civil activism

14.06.2011 Vitsebsk: Uladzimir Ramanovich is deprived of his business because of civil activism

Uladzimir Ramanovich is organizer of numerous campaigns for the creation of bicycle infrastructure in Vitsebsk, including bicycle lanes and parking lots. Several days ago Siarhei Sliusar, the owner of the premises rented by Ramanovich for his bicycle hostel, Jazz Hotel, ordered him to vacate the premises within 10 days.

10.06.2011 Political prisoner Dashkevich transferred to Zhodzina jail

The Young Front vice-Chairperson Nasta Palazhanka informed about the transfer on June 9. According to te "Young Front press-center, the girl tried to pass a parcel to Dashkevich to the pre-trial detention center No. 1 in Valadarski Street. However, the guard on duty informed her he had been sent to Zhodzina prison.

Homel: opposition activists apply for authorization rally against poverty

10.06.2011 Homel: opposition activists apply for authorization rally against poverty

Representatives of the Homel coalition Our Alternative applied for authorization of a rally against poverty on 3 July. Earlier they also applied for a picket in cooperation with the Young Front and the civil campaign Speak Truth.

07.06.2011 Belarusian Helsinki Committee received second warning

The Ministry of Justice issued the second warning to the Belarusian Helsinki Committee this year, allegedly because of “continuous violations of the tax legislation”.

Hrodna: human rights defender Rutkouskaya appeals fine

03.06.2011 Hrodna: human rights defender Rutkouskaya appeals fine

On 25 May Sviatlana Rutkouskaya, a member of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee from Hrodna, was fined by the head of the Leninski District Police Department, lieutenant colonel Yauhen Yarmantovich. The matter is that Rudkouskaya, being the head of a local housing cooperative, had allegedly failed to issue the complaint book to a citizen, thus violating Article 9.24 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Republic of Belarus.

Human rights defender asks Ministry of Justice to punish Belarusian National Youth Union (BRSM)

03.06.2011 Human rights defender asks Ministry of Justice to punish Belarusian National Youth Union (BRSM)

A Vitsebsk human rights defender, representative of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee Pavel Levinau addressed the Justice Minister asking to punish the pro-governmental “state NGO” Belarusian National Youth Union for improper use of its name.

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