News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

06.03.2013 Minsk City Court upholds 5-day arrest to Henik Loika

Minsk City Court considered the appeal of sculptor Henik Loika against the verdict of Liudmila Lapo, Judge of Frinzenski District Court of Minsk. Let us remind that Mr. Loika had been punished with 5 days of arrest for an action in support of the Belarusian language held by him on the International Mother Language Day, 21 February. The formal reason for the verdict was that he had unfurled a banner with the inscription "Let me congratulate you on the International Mother Language Day! Gymnasium #4 used to be the last Belarusian-language school!"

Head of Vitsebsk branch of "For Freedom" movement demands that the police and medics abide by the law

06.03.2013 Head of Vitsebsk branch of "For Freedom" movement demands that the police and medics abide by the law

The head of Vitsebsk regional branch of the "For Freedom" movement Khrystafor Zhaliapau filed a lawsuit to Kastrychnitski District Court of Vitsebsk against the refusal of Vitsebsk city polyclinic to conclude an agreement for serving the Freedom Day rally.

Supreme Court files protest to Homel Region Court on appeal of "Fair World" activist

06.03.2013 Supreme Court files protest to Homel Region Court on appeal of "Fair World" activist

A member of the "Fair World" Valery Rybchanka received an answer from the Supreme Court concerning the conditions in the remand prison of Buda-Kashaliova.

Amnesty International: Ales Bialiatski supported by about 100,000 people

04.03.2013 Amnesty International: Ales Bialiatski supported by about 100,000 people

Amnesty International summed up the results of the world letter marathon in support of Ales Bialiatski. All in all, 104,731 actions were taken to support the Belarusian human rights defender who was declared a prisoner of conscience by this authoritative international organization.

Homel: prayer within the framework of "Solidarity Wave" held under vigilant watch of "observers in civvies"

04.03.2013 Homel: prayer within the framework of "Solidarity Wave" held under vigilant watch of "observers in civvies"

On 3 March in Homel members of the the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy party held a prayer in support of political prisoners and handed out informational materials about the Belarusian citziens who are kept in jail because of their convictions, civil and political activities.

Salihorsk authorities ban picket to campaign for new clinic

27.02.2013 Salihorsk authorities ban picket to campaign for new clinic

Mikalai Maskevich, chief ideology official of Salihorsk district executive committee, issued a ban on a rally in support of the construction of a new municipal polyclinic, thus dismissing an application of February 8 submitted by local civil society activists.

Minsk court convicts activist Henik Loika

21.02.2013 Minsk court convicts activist Henik Loika

Henik Loika, the activist who staged this morning a picket in support of the Belarusian language to mark International Mother Language Day, was sentenced to five days of administrative arrest.

Minsk City Court dismisses Uladzimir Lemesh's appeal

13.02.2013 Minsk City Court dismisses Uladzimir Lemesh's appeal

On 12 February the Minsk City Court considered the appeal of an activist of the "European Belarus"" Uladzimir Lemesh.

Pickets for construction of new polyclinic to be held in Salihorsk

08.02.2013 Pickets for construction of new polyclinic to be held in Salihorsk

The public activists of Salihorsk intend to hold a picket to support the idea of the construction of a new polyclinic in the city. The application for the authorization of the picket has been filed to the Salihorsk District Executive Committee by a member of the United Civil Party Viktar Malochka.

Baranavichy authorities ban rally because the applicant has been punished by court for an administrative offense

08.02.2013 Baranavichy authorities ban rally because the applicant has been punished by court for an administrative offense

On 7 February the Baranavichy entrepreneur and civil activist Mikalai Charnavus received a letter signed by the deputy head of the Baranavichy City Executive Committee Dz. Kastsiukevich in which it was stated that the executive committee did not authorize the rally the applicant intended to held on 12 February. As it is stated in the letter, "the persons who have been punished for violating the order of holding or organizing mass events cannot act as organizers of mass events during one year after the imposition of the administrative penalty".

Head of the Mahiliou Region UCP branch appeals picket ban

08.02.2013 Head of the Mahiliou Region UCP branch appeals picket ban

On 7 February Uladzimir Shantsau filed an appropriate appeal with the Mahiliou Region Court.

Ten days of arrest for a flash-mob about unemployment in Belarus

08.02.2013 Ten days of arrest for a flash-mob about unemployment in Belarus

On 7 February an activist of the "Alternative" Dzmitry Silchanka was sentenced to ten days of arrest under Article 23.34 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, "Violation of the order of organization and holding mass events". The verdict was pronounced by the Savetski District Court of Minsk.

Nationwide dictation in Baranavichy

05.02.2013 Nationwide dictation in Baranavichy

On 3 February Baranavichy public activists and other citizens took part in the IV Nationwide Belarusian dictation, dedicated to the 175th birthday of Kastus Kalinouski, the leader of the national liberation uprising against the Russian Empire, brutally suppressed in 1864.

175th anniversary of Kastus Kalinouski's birthday celebrated in Baranavichy

05.02.2013 175th anniversary of Kastus Kalinouski's birthday celebrated in Baranavichy

The festive event was held on 3 February by the Baranavichy council of the Belarusian Language Society and the Polish House. The candidates of historical sciences Nina Styzhynskaya and Andrei Kishtymau told about the personality of Kanstantsin Kalinouski and the peculiarities of the uprising of 1863 in Belarus.

Svislach activists commemorate insurgents

05.02.2013 Svislach activists commemorate insurgents

On 2 February the Svislach activists honored the memory of participants of the insurgency of 1863-1864, laid down flowers to the monuments of its leaders Kastus Kalinouski and Ramuald Trauhut and the grave of Viktar Kalinouski (Kastus Kalinouski's elder brother, an ideologist of the rebellion).

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