News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

24.07.2007 Minsk: Authorities Prohibit Rock Concert in Honor of State Sovereignty Declaration

The organizers intended to hold the concert in a traditional place, the Druzhby Narodau Park near Banhalor Square. They filed an application to Minsk City Executive Committee and started negotiations with rock band. Preliminary agreements were received from Krama and Neuro Dubel.

13.07.2007 Youth Leader Aliaksei Shydlouski Released without Charges

Youth leader Aliaksei Shydlouski, as well as opposition activists Mikalai Pryvarnikau and Pavel Baranouski, were detained in the center of Minsk by KGB officers.

12.07.2007 Brest: Pickets in Support of Kazulin Are Banned

Brest city executive committee didn’t satisfy the application of Brest regional branch of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party Hramada for authorizing a picket in support of Aliaksandr Kazulin.

09.07.2007 Ales Dzeravianka Fined

Today Vitebsk district court finished the trial over the participants of the action in defense of Vitebsk human rights activist Valer Shchukin.

08.07.2007 Celebration of Yanka Kupala’s Anniversary Cost Fine of 150 USD for Vitebsk Opposition Activist

Chyhumachny court of Vitebsk fined Barys Khamaida 10 basic units (about 150 USD) for participation in an unauthorized picket.

06.07.2007 Police Warns Activist Barys Khamaida “in a Friendly Way”

This morning Vitebsk police detained senior local opposition member, distributor of independent press Barys Khamaida.

05.07.2007 Minsk Authorities Close Banhalor Square for Pickets

Minsk city executive committee did not permit pickets in support of Alezander Kazulin on Banhalor Square.

04.07.2007 Police Persecutes Young Defenders of Hrodna

Students of Hrodna schools, who take an active part in civic campaign “Let’s Rescue Hrodna”, are invited to juvenile delinquency inspectorate.

04.07.2007 Navapolatsak: Protest Action on Independence Day

One more picket of protest against benefit cuts was carried out in Navapolatsak yesterday. Such actions are carried out in this city every day since June 27th

04.07.2007 Detained Flash Mob Participants Released in Hrodna

The participants of the action in defense of historical heritage in Hrodna were released yesterday at about 6 p.m.

03.07.2007 Flash Mob Participants Detained in Hrodna

Hrodna police detained six activists of the movement in defense of historical heritage of Hrodna

27.06.2007 Mahiliou Entrepreneurs Hold Protest Action

The businessmen protest against frequent examinations of sanitary certificates for their goods.

25.06.2007 Prosecutor’s Office Refuses to Bring Charges against Policemen Who Beat Civic Activist

Leninski prosecutor’s office of Mahiliou refused to bring criminal charges against police officers who beat Siarhei Hirkin

25.06.2007 Judge Postpones Trial over Ales Dzeravianka

The hearing postponed for tomorrow

25.06.2007 “SOS Hrodna!” Initiative Created in Poland

Polish authorities help to protect historical heritage of Hrodna

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