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Political prisoner Palina Sharenda-Panasiuk's health deteriorates sharply

2024 2024-09-04T17:40:42+0300 2024-09-04T17:44:45+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Political prisoner Palina Sharenda-Panasiuk was not released on May 21. A new criminal case was opened against her under Article 411 of the Criminal Code (malicious disobedience to the requirements of the administration of the penitentiary). In July, Palina's relatives learned that the woman had been diagnosed with "chronic pancreatitis of medium severity". Now the political prisoner's husband Andrei Sharenda wrote about the sharp deterioration of Palina's health. She suffers from sharp pains on the side of her abdomen, but no medical help is provided to her.

In July 2024 it became known that Palina was suffering from "chronic pancreatitis of medium severity". It is a very dangerous disease, the treatment of which is difficult in the conditions of imprisonment. The relatives learned about the diagnosis from the official reply of the administration of the penal colony No. 24, where the woman had recently served her sentence. Now Andrei Sharenda writes about the deterioration of Palina's condition:

"Ttwo heavy news came today. First - it became known about the sharp deterioration of Palina's health. She suffers from sharp pains in the side of her abdomen, radiating to her back. Palina is not given the necessary medical care, she is only given painkillers. We still do not know anything about Palina's health. We only know her diagnosis - chronic pancreatitis. This is a very serious disease that requires a strict diet and constant monitoring by doctors. In the conditions under which Palina is being held, it is simply a delayed death sentence."

At the moment, the political prisoner is being held in terrible conditions in the temporary detention facility (TDF) in Rechytsa:

"It also became known that Palina was transferred from Homiel pre-trial detention center No. 3 to Rechytsa TDF for "investigative actions". This means that Palina will be detained there for the next few weeks or even months before the trial. The conditions in the Rechytsa TDF are even worse than in the SHIZO cells in the penal colony. There are no mattresses, there are no toilets in the cells, and there are lots of bedbugs. They have to sleep on the floor. Last year, Palina was held there for several weeks. Palina went on a hunger strike to protest the terrible conditions of her imprisonment."

Palina is a social activist from Brest, who was arrested on January 3, 2021. At first, the woman was sentenced to two years' imprisonment under a number of criminal articles. Later she was convicted twice under article 411 of the Criminal Code (malicious disobedience to the requirements of the administration of the penitentiary).

In March 2024, when propagandists were filming a story about a political prisoner, Palina's yellow tag came into the frame - it indicated that her sentence was to end on May 21. But on that day, Palina was not released, she was charged for the third time with "disobedience to the administration of the penitentiary". Two days before her release, she was transferred to Homiel pre-trial detention center No. 3.

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