News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

08.08.2007 Smaliavichy: Court Justifies Activists Accused of 'Dirty Swearing'

On 7 August in in the central square of Smaliavichy (a town in Minsk region) the action 'Where's The Light?' was held. The matter is that about three months ago the town authorities have turned off the street lamps in order to save the electricity. About 60 persons took part in the action, including both democratic activists and ordinary citizens.

08.08.2007 Minsk: Police Detain Siarzhuk Semianiuk and Iryna Smiayan

On 7 August near Uruchcha tube station activists of BPF Youth handed out leaflets to congratulate people with the 490th anniversary of the issue of the first book on the territory of Belarus by the pioneer of printing Frantsysk Skaryna. All in all, about 700 leaflets were distributed.

07.08.2007 BPF Youth Try to Break through Wall of Official Prohibitions

Minsk officials persistently continue prohibiting pickets against repeal of benefits. However, one of Minsk citizens decided to break through this wall. It is Siarzhuk Semianiuk, deputy chair of the council of the youth wing Belarusian People’s Front, BPF Youth.

07.08.2007 Brest: Trade Union Holds Picket against Repeal of Social Benefits

The picket was held by the Belarusian Trade Union of Radio Electronic Trade. According to the trade union’s press secretary Mikalai Herasimenka, the picket was authorized by the authorities and took place at Lakamatyu stadium, 4.30 to 7 p.m. At 5 p.m. there gathered about 25 persons of different age and social background: students, workers and pensioners, including several representatives of the Party of Communists of Belarus. The picketers protested also against the increase of the fees for public utilities, the contract system and low pensions.

07.08.2007 Homel: Court Upholds Prohibition of Picket against Repeal of Benefits

On 1 June Homel activists of the Party of Communists of Belarus intended to hold a picket against repeal of benefits. However, Homel city executive committee did not authorize the action. As a result the party members sued the committee. Tsentralny borough court of Homel found the refusal of the committee to authorize action legal. Bear in mind that during the last three months the city authorities refused to authorize different pickets and meetings five times.

07.08.2007 Flash-mob in Uruccha Suburb of Minsk

At 1 p.m. on 4 August a flash-mob of solidarity with those who suffered for their viewpoints and principles from the Belarusian police actions was held in the Uruchcha suburb of Minsk.

03.08.2007 FIDH Condemns Serious Human Rights Violations Perpetrated in Belarus on Occasion of State Sovereignty Day

Paris, July 31, 2007 – The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) expresses its deepest concern regarding a wave of arbitrary arrests and subsequent detentions of several opposition members in the run-up of the Belarus « State Sovereignty Day », which took place on July 27, 2007.

31.07.2007 Youth Activists Hryshchenia and Viachorka Put Behind Bars

On 30 July Zavadski borough court of Minsk considered an administrative case against a member of Belarusian People’s Front Party Franak Viachorka. Viachorka was detained on 27 July, during an action dedicated to an anniversary of the State Sovereignty Declaration.

27 July: Chronicle of Celebration of State Sovereignty Day in Minsk

27.07.2007 27 July: Chronicle of Celebration of State Sovereignty Day in Minsk

4 p.m. – the police detain the chair of United Civil Party Anatol Liabedzka. 4.10 – mass seizures start. The police detain the deputy chair of the BPF Party Viktar Ivashkevich and some other activists.

26.07.2007 Chronicle of Persecution of Youth Activists on the Eve of 27 July, State Sovereignty Day

23 July The Young Front member Aleh Korban was detained by persons in mufti on suspicion in theft of a mobile phone. Korban was taken to the police for identification and released without any violation reports composed.

26.07.2007 Celebration of 27 July to Take Place despite Any Obstacles

In spite of preventive arrests of many activists the democratic opposition is still going to celebrate 27 July, the day when the State sovereignty declaration was signed in 1990.

26.07.2007 Aliaksei Shydlouski Sentenced to 15 Days of Jail

On 24 July the police detained the youth activists Pavel Baranouski and Aliaksei Shydlouski for posting leaflets with invitations to the European march For Freedom. The police composed a report for distribution of leaflets against Baranouski and for hooliganism – against Shydlouski.

25.07.2007 Authorities Lose Shame on the Eve of State Sovereignty Declaration Day

The events of 24 July eloquently show the real attitude of the Belarusian authorities to the dialog with the opposition. The recent ease of the regime has ended and now the repressions are getting even harder.

25.07.2007 Maximal Arrest for Congratulations on Dashkevich’s Birthday

On 20 July near Niamiha Street in Minsk the police detained the activists of Young Front Kiryl Matskevich and Uladzimir Siarheyeu for an attempt to tie to a bridge over Niamiha Street a banner with congratulations on political prisoner Zmitser Dashkevich’s birthday. The detainees were taken to Tsentralny police department of Minsk. The trial of them took place on 23 July.

24.07.2007 New Clear-up Starts in Minsk on the Eve of 27 July Actions

At 8 p.m. on 23 July the police detained Pavel Seviarynets in Frunzenski district of Minsk. Pavel managed to say to RFE/RL that the police suspect him of a felony were taking him to Frunzenski district police department of Minsk.

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