News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

30.08.2007 Homel Police Detain People for Celebrating Lukashenka’s Birthday

On 30 August in the center of Homel the police in mufti detained four youth activists: Siarhei Astafonau, Vital Birukou, Andrei Tsianiuta and Zmitser Zhaleznichenka. The detainees were told that they were suspected in robbery. All of them were taken to Tsentralny district police department of Homel for ‘identification’.

30.08.2007 Homel: Activist Struggles for Authorization of Meeting

On 29 August Tsentralny district court of Homel rejected the suit of the local public activist Piatro Kuzniatsou against the refusal of Homel city executive committee to authorize a meeting against repeal of social benefits.

28.08.2007 Mahiliou: Police Release Under-aged Activists

At about 8 p.m. on 27 August the under-aged youth activists Aleh Kashtanau and Rastsislau Pankratau were taken to a police station of Leninski district police department of Mahiliou. The detention was ordered by a deputy chair of Mahiliou regional police department, who stated that he had seen them handing out white-red-white stripes and passing a white-red-white flag to each other.

28.08.2007 Detentions and Trials in Niasvizh

In the night of 24-25 August in Niasvizh the police detained four youth activists: Nasta Azarka, A.Dubski, A.Zhukau and Nasta Palazhanka. They were charged with hooliganism for writing ‘Belarus is Sacred’ on a fence. The activists had to spend the rest of the night at Niasvizh district police department. The police ignored Palazhanka’s demand to call a defense lawyer.

28.08.2007 Minsk Youth Hold Action of Protest against Beating of Girls by Police

On 26 August an action of protest against illegal detainments and beatings of the youth opposition activists took place at the crossroads of Niamiha and Haradsky Val streets in the center of Minsk. 20 people installed a street banner ‘When you are at home they are beating up girls’ and the posters running about the events of 16 August.

23.08.2007 Detained Members and Spectators of Svabodny Teatr set Free. Police Compose Report on Pavel Yukhnevich

Directors, actors and spectators of Svabodny Teatr (Free Theatre) headed by Mikalai Khalezin were set free today from the Savetski district police department in Minsk. At the department the detainees were made to write explanatory notes but the police composed no detention or violation reports. The only report was composed against a youth activist Pavel Yukhnevich, who was kept at the police department longer than other detainees. ‘I think that it is connected to his being a political activist. The police just used this occasion to compose a report on him’, commented Khalezin.

22.08.2007 Pavel Seviarynets Sentenced to 15 Days of Jail

On 22 August Maskouski district court of Minsk held the third sitting on an administrative case against a political leader Pavel Seviarynets. The trial was to have taken place on 20 August, but was postponed first to 21 August and then to 22 August because of absence of the police witnesses. All this time Mr. Seviarynets was kept in Brest isolator.

22.08.2007 Action in Peramozhtsau Avenue in Minsk

At about 8 p.m. on 21 August 40 activists of the public campaign For Freedom! came to Peramozhtsau Avenue (former Masherau Avenue)in Minsk. The youth activists flew the flags of the European Union and marched to Maskva cinema. There the street banner running ‘Our Time has Come! European March - 14 October 2007’ was installed.

21.08.2007 Aliaksei Shein’s Complaint Turned down

Minsk city court turned down an appeal of a co-chairman of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party Aliaksei Shein against a verdict of Frunzenski district court of Minsk sentencing the activist to 15 days of jail under article 23.34 of the Adminstrative Code (violation of the order of holding mass actions or pickets).

21.08.2007 Medical Diagnose to Tatsiana Tyshkevich after Police Beating

Today the doctors announced diagnoses to Tatsiana Tyshkevich who had been beaten up by the plainclothes staff-members of the special police regiment 16 August when the youth leader Mikita Sasim had been detained. The strike in kidneys provoked the inflammation process in kidneys, the Charter’97 press office was informed by the right activist Iryna Toustsik.

20.08.2007 Salihorsk: Police Detain and Beat Cycle Race Participants

On Sunday, 19 August, activists of Salihorsk branch of Young Front held a circle race that ended with detentions and beatings.

Chronicle of Events on Solidarity Day, 16 August

17.08.2007 Chronicle of Events on Solidarity Day, 16 August

On 16 August in Minsk the police used different means to prevent the traditional monthly action of solidarity with political prisoners and families of the missing public and political activists. They behaved most rudely and boldly near St. Joseph’s church in Svabody Square.

16.08.2007 Action of Solidarity with Political Prisoners on Ukrainian Border

Yury Khaschavatski‘s documentary Ploshcha about the March 2006 events in Minsk has been demonstrated at the Belarusian –Ukrainian boarder. People waiting for their turn to cross the boarder form the Ukrainian side are approaching the car with a white-red-white flag and watching the film fragments on the notebook. The documentary DVDs are presented to everybody who cares.

15.08.2007 Kletsk: Criminal Case against Underground Press

Criminal charges have been brought against the underground publisher of Boiki Kletsk bulletin, democratic activist Siarhei Panamarou. That happened several hours after Panamarou’s submitting an application for a picket in support for the political prisoners.

10.08.2007 Hrodna Authorities Prohibit Picket in Support of Political Prisoners

On 9 August the members of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee Sviatlana Rudkouskaya and Raman Yurhel and a member of the United Civil Party Andrei Yanushkevich received telephone calls from Leninski borough police department of Hrodna.

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