News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

17.09.2007 Detentions in Salihorsk on Solidarity Day

Five teenagers were detained down town Salihorsk on September 16.

17.09.2007 Swiss Human Rights Organization CODAP Collects Signatures for Release of Political Prisoners

Swiss human rights organization CODAP began to collect signatures for release of political prisoners Alexander Kazulin, Artur Finkevich, Vasil Liavonau, Zmitser Dashkevich, Andrei Klimau, Yury Liavonau, Mikalai Autukhovich, and Anton Kishkurna.

14.09.2007 Navapolatsk: Police Detain Bicyclists

In the morning on 14 September the bicyclers of Navapolatsk were haunted by the police cars with sirens. They also detained and searched the car of the chair of Polatsk branch of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada) Albert Markau.

13.09.2007 Baranavichy: Hanna Shakutska Is Fined, Her Daughter’s Case to Be Considered Soon

On 10 September in Baranavichy the police detained Hanna and Tatsiana Shakutska together with 23 other activists who came to the local court to support a Young Front activist Yaraslau Hryshchenia who was to stand a criminal trial for ‘activities on behalf of unregistered organization’ (article 193.1 of the Criminal Code).

12.09.2007 Minsk: Police Detain Participants of Flash-mob in Honor of Dziarzhynski’s Birthday

On 12 September near a monument to Felix Dziarzhynski in the center of Minsk the riot police detained the youth activists of the Belarusian People’s Front Party Aliaksandr Klimovich, Nasta Ptushka, Katsiaryna Ramasheuskaya, Stsiapan Svidzerski, Makar Vauchok and Franak Viachorka and took them to Leninski district police department of Minsk.

11.09.2007 Orsha: Artist Ales Pushkin Declares Hunger Strike in Remand Prison

On 10 September the trial over Ales Pushkin and an activist of the Young Front Aliaksei Yanusheuski started, but was delayed when they demanded advocatory services. The defendants were taken to a remand prison. Ales Pushkin has declared a hunger-strike of protest.

11.09.2007 Spontaneous Strike of Miners in Salihorsk

In the night of 8-9 September a strike of the Belaruskaly miners was organized under the Italian procedure: the miners descended underground but didn’t start working. Around 80% miners being underground went on strike, the Belarusian Helsinki committee representative in Salihorsk Leanid Markhotka reported.

10.09.2007 Dzianis Sadouski Sentenced to 5 Days of Jail

On 10 September in Orsha the judge Tatsiana Rybakova sentenced a member of the organizing committee for the establishment of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party Dzianis Sadouski to 5 days of jail under article 17.1 of the Administrative Code (petty hooliganism, standard accusation against opposition activists). Dzianis was detained on 8 September near Orsha during the celebration of an anniversary of the Orsha battle.

10.09.2007 Minsk: Meeting of Entrepreneurs in Banhalor Square

At 12 a.m. on 10 September several hundred entrepreneurs gathered for an authorized meeting in Banhalor Square of Minsk. The application for the authorization of the action had been filed by 12 activists of the Perspective entrepreneurs’ association including the heads of entrepreneurs’ councils from Minsk, Homel, Vitsebsk and other towns and cities.

10.09.2007 Baranavichy: Police Detain Journalists and Youth Activists during Trial over Yaraslau Hryshchenia

On 10 September in Baranavichy the youth activist Yaraslau Hryshchenia stood a trial for participation in unregistered organization (article 193.1 of the Criminal Code). Many youth activists came to the court to support him. A number of independent journalists elucidated the action of support. By 10.30 a.m. the police detained more than 20 participants of the action.

10.09.2007 Action of Support to Youth Activists of Belarus Held at the UN Entrance

On 8 September the Belarusian Youth Movement of America held an action of support to the activists of an unregistered youth organization Young Front Nasta Azarka, Yaraslau Hryshchenia and Ivan Shyla.

10.09.2007 Orsha: Police Detain People for Celebrating the Day of Belarusian Military Glory

About 100 opposition activists were detained on 8 September, the Day of Belarusian Military Glory in Orsha and Mahiliou. Only in the Krapivenskaya field were the bards’ fest was to be held over 40 people were detained. The group of 20 public activists was detained in Mahiliou. In Orsha the people were taken off trains and busses and after several hours’ detainment forced to return to their places. But 9 September another 20 people were detained in the Krapivenskaya field. Among the detainees there were many well-known people: bard Andrei Melnikau, artist Ales Pushkin, youth leaders Zmitser Khvedaruk, Andrei Sharenda, activists Ivan and Illia Shyla.

Niasvizh: Criminal Trial against Nasta Azarka Ends with Fine. Detentions outside Court

06.09.2007 Niasvizh: Criminal Trial against Nasta Azarka Ends with Fine. Detentions outside Court

On 4 September in Niasvizh a Young Front activist Anastasia Azarka was fined 1 240 000 Belarusian rubles (about 600 US dollars). The verdict was issued by judge Maryia Dunayeva. The youth activist was charged with activities on behalf of an unregistered organisation (article 193.1 of the Criminal Code). The prosecutor demanded to fine her 500 15 500 000 Belarusian rubles (about 7 200 US dollars).

Salihorsk: Criminal Trial over Ivan Shyla Is Accompanied with Detentions and Imprisonments

06.09.2007 Salihorsk: Criminal Trial over Ivan Shyla Is Accompanied with Detentions and Imprisonments

On 4 September trials over the Young Front activists Ivan Shyla and Nasta Azarka took place in Salihorsk and Niasvizh. The activists were charged under article 193.1 of the Criminal Code (activities on behalf of unregistered organization). Dozens of people gathered near the courts to support the youth activists.

06.09.2007 Police Disrupt Meeting with Seviarynets on His Release from Jail

In the morning of 4 September Pavel Seviarynets, chairman of the organizing committee of Belarusian Christian Democracy Party, was released after 15 days of jail which he served in Brest

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