News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

07.12.2007 Brest Authorities Ban Picket Dedicated to Human Rights Day

On the eve of the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Brest city executive committee receive 2 applications for pickets. The applicants intended to hold them both on 9 December – one in Lenin Street and the other – at the 'Locomotive' stadium.

07.12.2007 Action in Support of Entrepreneurs

On 6 December youth activists held an action in support of the entrepreneurs’ demands to the authorities.

06.12.2007 Homel: Authorities Warn Entrepreneur

An activist of the movement 'For Free Business' Iryna Kaminskaya has been summonsed to Homel oblast executive committee and warned that he would be taken to account for mass riot, in the case it will come to this on 10 December.

05.12.2007 Vitsebsk: Siarhei Kavalenka’s Complaint Turned down

The judge of Vitsebsk regional court Anatol Redzko did not grant the cassation complaint that was filed by the public activist Siarhei Kavalenka against the fine that had been issued to him by Vitsebsk district court for participation in an unauthorized mass action.

04.12.2007 Brest Oblast: 117 against Repeal of Benefits

The activists of Brest regional coalition of democratic forces have submitted to the authorities 117 applications for authorization of pickets against the repeal of social benefits. 65 applications were filed in Brest, 37 – in Brest district, 11 – in Baranavichy and 4 – in Belaaziorsk.

03.12.2007 ‘Young Front’ Reminds about Political Prisoners

Once again the 'Young Front' activists carried out a campaign to inform the population about the situation with political prisoners.

03.12.2007 Vitsebsk: Picketing Permitted at City’s Outskirts

Recently the chair of Vitsebsk office of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee Pavel Levin has applied to Vitsebsk city executive committee for authorization of a picket. He intended to hold the action on 10 December and dedicate it to the Universal Day of Human Rights.

03.12.2007 Mahiliou Authorities Receive About 40 Applications for Pickets against Repeal of Benefits

Recently about 40 applications for authorization of social pickets have been sent to the authorities. These applications were filed on behalf of private individuals, not political parties or NGOs.

29.11.2007 Authorities Fear Meeting of Entrepreneurs on Kastrychnitskaya Square

Today entrepreneurs Ales Talstyka and Ruslan Lutsenka are to stand trial in the court of Zavodski district of Minsk.

28.11.2007 Policemen Read «Ordinary President»

On November, 26, KGB investigator Aliaksei Shahinau returned the computer, confiscated from Svetlahorsk dweller Sviatlana Mikhalchanka a month ago.

26.11.2007 Police in Minsk Disperse Demonstration in Support of Kazulin

Four opposition activists were grabbed by police in downtown Minsk on Sunday afternoon as they together with several more youths attempted to stage a demonstration in support of imprisoned former presidential candidate Alexander Kazulin who turned 52 on that day.

26.11.2007 Miron conducts action in honour of Karatkevich in Vitebsk

A white-red-white flag appeared on one of the buildings of Masherau Vitebsk University on the evening of November 25. The university is situated near a monument to Uladzimir Karatkevich.

22.11.2007 Celebration of anniversary of Slutsk Defence Action permitted

The Minsk City Executive Committee permitted holding the events in places, connected with the history of Slutsk Defence Action.

15.11.2007 Democratic Activists Collect Signatures to Make Deputies Report about Their Achievements

This week the democratic activists of Belarus have collected signatures under a public demand to organize the reports of the deputies of the Chamber of Representatives before their electors. The activists mostly explain this situation with the fact that the deputies supported the liquidation of social benefits. The campaign for collection of signatures is coordinated by the Council of the United Democratic Forces.

14.11.2007 Human Rights Activists Demand to Abolish Forced State Assignment of Graduates

This year 65 criminal cases have been brought against the high school graduates who failed to get to the places of work assignment. The present legislation treats such behavior as evasion from duties and demands from the people to pay off the costs that had been already spent by the state for their education. The numbers differ, but in general it is about 3-5 thousand US dollars, the average wage being about 200 dollars.

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