News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

13.12.2007 Two Victims of Violent Dispersal of Action at Kastrychintskaya Square Are in Hospital

A Young Front leader Zmitser Khvedaruk is still in clinical hospital #9 in Minsk. During the preliminary examinations the doctor diagnosed brain concussion. However, Khvedaruk can also have other injuries. During the yesterday’s action of protest against Vladimir Putin’s visit to Belarus (possibly aimed at signing the act of the union state, thus depriving Belarus of sovereignty), the police were tearing a white-red-white flag out from Khvedaruk’s hands. The 19-year-old youngster held the flag with his both hands, while fascists in the uniform were beating him into unconsciousness. Then they stamped on him.

12.12.2007 Brutal Beatings at Action against Putin’s Visit to Belarus

At 6 p.m. on 12 December members of oppositional political parties, democratic leaders and youth started coming to Kastrychnitskaya Square of Minsk to protest against the visit of Vladimir Putin to Minsk. There are insistent rumors that during the visit Putin and Lukashenka will sign an act of the union state, thus incorporating Belarus into Russia. This action was dedicated to protection of the remnants of the state sovereignty of Belarus.

12.12.2007 Pickets in Salihorsk

On10 December in Salihorsk activists of the 'Young Front' and the 'For Freedom' movement organized a picket dedicated to the International Human Rights Day.

12.12.2007 Baranavichy: Authorities Pressurize Picket Applicants

Applicants for holding pickets against repeal of social benefits in Baranavichy were reached on the phone by local officials and offered to give up the idea of holding the actions.

12.12.2007 Homel: Police again Detain Entrepreneur Kaminskaya

The entrepreneur Iryna Kaminskaya was detained in Homel. On the way to the court the woman felt bad.

12.12.2007 White-red-white Flags and Banner Hung out in Minsk

On 11 December a large white-red-white flag was hung out on the corner of Nezalezhnastsi Avenue and Kazlou Street in Minsk (tube station 'Ploshcha Peramohi').

11.12.2007 Entrepreneurs Sentenced to 7-15 Days of Jail

Several minutes before the trial a leader of entrepreneurs stated to Radio 'Racyja': ‘If the court sentences entrepreneurs to administrative arrest, the negotiations with the authorities which were appointed on 19 December, will not take place’.

11.12.2007 Action in Support of Political Prisoners

About a dozen of slogans with the demands to release political prisoners of Belarus emerged almost simultaneously in the center of Minsk on 10 December. The rally was held between 5 and 6 p.m. The activists of the civil campaign For Freedom! timed it to the Human Rights Day.

11.12.2007 Brest Authorities Ban Pickets

Brest executive committee does not let the activists of the united democratic forces to hold pickets against the repeal of the social benefits on 16 December.

10.12.2007 Action of Vitsebsk Entrepreneurs

On 10 December more than 50 entrepreneurs of Vitebsk lined in a queue to Vitsebsk oblast center of social employment. The administration of the center did not manage to answer the questions about what they could do not to become the center’s clients.

10.12.2007 Meeting of Entrepreneurs Takes Place athwart Provocations of Authorities

At 12 a.m. on 10 December in Kastrychnitskaya Square a meeting of entrepreneurs started. Here’s the chronology of the events.

Barys Khamaida Holds 10 December Action in Vitsebsk

10.12.2007 Barys Khamaida Holds 10 December Action in Vitsebsk

Today the activist-veteran Barys Khamaida congratulated the citizens of Vitsebsk on the Universal Day of Human Rights Day.

Viktar Ivashkevich Arrested

10.12.2007 Viktar Ivashkevich Arrested

On 10 December the police detained the vice-chairman of the Belarusian People’s Front Party Viktar Ivashkevich. He was detained while walking near Kastrychnitskaya Square and taken to Tsentralny district police department of Minsk.

07.12.2007 Judge Kazlou Supports Opinion of Vitsebsk Authorities

The chair of Vitsebsk oblast BHC office Pavel Levinau has sued against the picket bans issued by Vitsebsk city executive committee. The judge of Kastrychnitski district court of Vitsebsk Eduard Kazlou took the side of Vitsebsk authorities who think that pickets must be held in the places that were determined by them – desolate places at the city outskirts.

07.12.2007 Baranavichy: Another Picket Banned

‘… Baranavichy city executive committee has to refuse in authorizing the picket, because the application does not correspond to the norms of articles of 4 and 5 of the law On mass actions in the Republic of Belarus. The measures for ensuring the public order and the measures connected with the medical serving and cleaning the territory after the mass action are not mentioned in the application…’. This standard come-off was signed by the deputy chair of Baranavichy city executive committee D.Kastsiukevich.

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