News on the topic: detention

Detention on Lithuanian border

09.07.2009 Detention on Lithuanian border

After participation in a rally dedicated to memory of abducted cameraman Zmitser Zavadski the activist of the Young Democrats Raman Bahdanovich encountered problems at the Belarusian border. He was detained by Belarusian border guards.

Homel: journalist detained for covering mass action of protest

08.07.2009 Homel: journalist detained for covering mass action of protest

On 8 July in the morning in Homel people in mufti detained a member of the Belarusian Association of Journalists, independent journalist Aleh Razhkou.

Detentions in Brest: police violate ruling of deputy minister of information

08.07.2009 Detentions in Brest: police violate ruling of deputy minister of information

The detained participants of a peaceful picket in the memory of the missing cameraman Zmitser Zavadski spent some hours at the police department where printed materials were seized.

Anton Yasinovich gets no compensation of moral harm

30.06.2009 Anton Yasinovich gets no compensation of moral harm

On 23 June 2009 Vitsebsk oblast court considered the lawsuit of Navapolatsk activist Anton Yasinovich.

15.06.2009 Kletsk policemen who detained journalists are advised to improve knowledge of legislation

On 17 April Kletsk police detained the journalists Nastassia Krauchuk and Katsiaryna Tkachenka in the center of the town for videoing the local church for making a report about its repairs. They also detained another member of the Belarusian Association of Journalists, the editor of the regional bulleting Boiki Kletsk Siarhei Panamarou, and his son Uladzimir.

Brest: detentions at action against eviction of Zhana Abramava

11.06.2009 Brest: detentions at action against eviction of Zhana Abramava

At 10.30 a.m. in Brest the police detained some participants of the picket against the politically grounded eviction of the civil activist Zhana Abramava from her apartment. Other people came to the place to replace them. The police again detained Mikhas Iliin and Andrei Sharenda.

Activists of ‘European Belarus’ get detained for action of solidarity with Mikalai Autukhovich

10.06.2009 Activists of ‘European Belarus’ get detained for action of solidarity with Mikalai Autukhovich

European Belarus activists were detained for holding an action of solidarity with political prisoners.

Activist of the BPF Youth Anton Kalinouski is detained on the border

09.06.2009 Activist of the BPF Youth Anton Kalinouski is detained on the border

In the morning of 9 June the border guards detained the activist of the BPF Youth Anton Kalinouski. They took away Anton's laptop for examination and searched his personal belongings. In four hours he was let go.

‘Death’ was walking on Niamiha in the company of policemen in mufti

08.06.2009 ‘Death’ was walking on Niamiha in the company of policemen in mufti

On 5 June several volunteers of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee tried held a theatric performance for abolishment of the death penalty in Belarus.

Vaukavysk: fines to participants of action in support of Mikalai Autukhovich

08.06.2009 Vaukavysk: fines to participants of action in support of Mikalai Autukhovich

On 8 June the judge of Vaukavysk district court Sviatlana Lantsevich fined participants of the action in support of the political prisoner Mikalai Autukhovich that was held on 16 May. The head of Hrodna oblast UCP organization Yury Istomin was fined 700 000 rubles (about $252) under Article 23.34, part 3 of the Administrative Code. The members of the UCP Zmitser Bandarchuk, Andrei Ihnatsiuk, Aleh Kalinkou, Mikhas Ladushka and Alexandra Vasilevich and the head of Civil Forum Pavel Drachou were fined 70 000 rubles ($25) under Article 23.34, part 1. The trial of Vital Huliak was postponed because of his absence.

Brest: youth activist Yauhen Skrabets detained by representatives of military enlistment office

04.06.2009 Brest: youth activist Yauhen Skrabets detained by representatives of military enlistment office

On 4 June the activist of Brest branch of Young Front Yauhen Skrabets was detained near his porch by the police and representatives of the military enlistment office. He was pulled into a car and guarded to Brest oblast hospital for medical examination. His telephone was taken away.

Minsk: detentions instead of pro-life actions

01.06.2009 Minsk: detentions instead of pro-life actions

As it follows from the answer of Minsk city executive committee, received by the co-chairman of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party Aliaksei Shein, on 2 June the territory of the Druzhby Narodau Park will be cleansed. The BHD secretary Dzianis Sadouski was informed that the action near the maternity hospitals will hinder the public order.

Detentions of ‘Young Belarus’ activists

01.06.2009 Detentions of ‘Young Belarus’ activists

On 31 May Minsk police detained the activists of Young Belarus Pavel Nestsiarovich and Illia Shcharbinski.

18.05.2009 Riot militia against participants of solidarity rally in Minsk: new arrests of oppositionists

Activists of “Young Front” and “European Belarus” were detained for they went to October square with portraits of political prisoners on May 16.

20 youth activists gathered in Minsk center at 6.00 p.m. to hold a traditional rally of solidarity. The participants of the action were holding portraits of political prisoners Mikalai Autukhovich, Yury Lyavonau, and Uladzimir Asipenka and raised a national white-red-white flag.

Riot militiamen in uniform and in mufti stood on the square and hindered holding the rally for 15 minutes. When demonstrators went away in small groups, Pavel Kuryanovich, Yullia Mikhailava, Viktoria Ladis and Bahuslau Revyakou were detained in a pedestrian subway. The oppositionists were guarded to a militia station on “Kastrychnitskaya” metro station.

Vitsebsk: Barys Khamaida detained again

15.05.2009 Vitsebsk: Barys Khamaida detained again

The opposition activist Barys Khamaida has been detained once more near the ‘blue house’ in Lenin Street 28, Vitsebsk where he usually distributes independent press.

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