News on the topic: detention

16.09.2009 Two Young Belarus activists arrested in Minsk

Two Young Belarus activists Nasta Mashchava and Yahor Babrou have been detained in Minsk as they were trying to hang a banner ‘Freedom to Political Prisoners!’ across Partyzanski Avenue, Radio Liberty reports. The activists have been taken to local police department.

16.09.2009 Mass detentions in Homel

According to local human rights activist Anatol Paplauny, some 15 persons were arrested by plainclothes policemen in downtown Homel on 16 September. All of them were taken to Homel Chyhunachny police district. The reasons for the arrests remain unknown.

Vitsebsk: two flags – two detainees

15.09.2009 Vitsebsk: two flags – two detainees

On 14 September at about 6 p.m. two white-red-white flags were hanged out in Peramohi Square and Svabody Square. The local activists Siarhei Kavalenka and Taras Surhan were detained by police.

Beaten participants of peaceful actions addressed prosecutor’s office

14.09.2009 Beaten participants of peaceful actions addressed prosecutor’s office

Two youth activists who had been detained during the forced dispersal of the protest action against the arrival of the Russian troops in Belarus within the frames of the strategic training Zapad-2009 and beaten by police, addressed the prosecutor’s office with the demand to hold a check-up and bring the guilty to account.

Minsk: opposition’s action ‘No to Russian Occupation!’ ends with brutal beating, detentions and trials

10.09.2009 Minsk: opposition’s action ‘No to Russian Occupation!’ ends with brutal beating, detentions and trials

At 7 p.m. on 9 September several dozens of opposition activists came to Kastrychnitskaya Square in the center of Minsk to mark the Belarusian Military Glory Day (8 September) and protest against the joint Russian-Belarusian strategic military exercises Zapad-2009. The Belarusian democrats believe the forthcoming exercises threaten the independence of Belarus. About 6000 out of 12 500 soldiers, involved in the training, are Russians. The political leaders of Russia have stated several times about possible brining Russian troops to Belarus in case of a threat to Lukashenka’s regime.

‘Young Front’ pickets Russian Embassy on Belarusian Military Glory Day

08.09.2009 ‘Young Front’ pickets Russian Embassy on Belarusian Military Glory Day

Riot police detained Young Front activists Mikalai Dzemidzenka and Marharyta Karol. The young oppositionists tried to unfurl a banner near the Russia’s embassy in Minsk, RFE/RL reports.

Aleh Surhan intends to sue against the police torturers

07.09.2009 Aleh Surhan intends to sue against the police torturers

Aleh Surhan, recently by Vitsebsk police, solicited for bringing a criminal case against the officers who had tortured him at the police station.

Provocations and detentions at ‘Battle of Orsha’2009’ festival

07.09.2009 Provocations and detentions at ‘Battle of Orsha’2009’ festival

Traditional festival Battle of Orsha was to take place near Orsha town at night of 5-6 September. The festival is traditionally held at Krapiuna Field, the historic place of the Battle of Orsha in 1514, where the army of the Great Duchy of Lithuania (predecessor of Belarus) defeated the Russian army. Police officers said a mine had been found on the field and didn’t allow people to come there.

Vitsebsk: oppositionist tortured at police department

04.09.2009 Vitsebsk: oppositionist tortured at police department

Vitsebsk opposition activist Aleh Surhan was tortured at the police department for a white-red-white flag.

‘European Belarus’ activists detained for attempt to hang out white-red-white flag

10.08.2009 ‘European Belarus’ activists detained for attempt to hang out white-red-white flag

Activists of European Belarus Aleh Ladutska and Mikalai Tkachenka were detained by police for an attempt to hang out a white-red-white flag at the railway station in Orsha. They were kept at the police station for four hours (though only three-hour detention without charges is allowed by the law). Police officers drew up interrogation protocols.

‘Young Front’ activist detained in Minsk

05.08.2009 ‘Young Front’ activist detained in Minsk

As said by the Young Front leader Zmitser Dashkevich, Aleh Valatouski was detained in Minsk in the night and is kept at the police station. Dashkevich does not rule out that the activist could be detained for distributing information about the national symbols of Belarus.

Oppositionist detained for action of solidarity with political prisoner Dubski

30.07.2009 Oppositionist detained for action of solidarity with political prisoner Dubski

“Young Front” activists from Lida town pasted information posters “Freedom to Dubski” on Wednesday.

Two people in mufti and militiamen came up to “Young Front” activist Vadzim Barouski in the evening July 29 near the town park, where the activist was spreading information about the political prisoner. The guy was guarded to the district militia department. The youth activist gave explanations there and was freed an hour later,” the website reports.

Dozens of portraits of arrested participant of the Process of 14 Artsyom Dubski appeared in the streets.

Groundless detentions of youth activists in Navapolatsk

15.07.2009 Groundless detentions of youth activists in Navapolatsk

Several days ago Navapolatsk police detained the member of the BPF Youth Aliaksei Trubkin and his friend Andrei Mikalayeu.

10.07.2009 Detentions for banners in support of political prisoners

On 8 July the administrative commission of Frunzenski district of Minsk considered a report drawn up against the activist of the civil campaign European Belarus Ryhor Laurouski.

Homel: detentions for distribution of non-state newspapers

09.07.2009 Homel: detentions for distribution of non-state newspapers

On 9 July at 7 a.m. policemen detained the head of Homel branch of the Party of Communists of Belarus Uladzimir Siakerka and his party comrade Mikalai Zasuski.

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