News on the topic: detention

Ales Mekh complains about police actions

04.11.2009 Ales Mekh complains about police actions

The civil and political activist Ales Mekh filed to Kobryn district court a complaint about actions of the police during the Dazhynki celebration on 19 September 2009.

Vitsebsk: huge fines for white-red-white flags on Ancestors’ Day

04.11.2009 Vitsebsk: huge fines for white-red-white flags on Ancestors’ Day

Judge of the Kastrychnitski district Edgar Martyrasian fined Vitsebsk activists Taras Surhan and Siarhei Kavalenka 700 000 rubles (about $255) each.

Vitsebsk: new arrests for white-red-white flags

03.11.2009 Vitsebsk: new arrests for white-red-white flags

On 2 November in Vitsebsk activists of democratic forces walked through the town with Belarusian national flags.

03.11.2009 Activists of BPF Youth detained in Vitsebsk

At about 3 p.m. on 1 November the police detained the activist of the BPF Youth Siarzhuk Zviozdachkin and the head of Vitsebsk oblast organization Aliaksander Kuzniatsou, both of whom were heading for Minsk.

Homel: journalists detained for public poll on swine flu

03.11.2009 Homel: journalists detained for public poll on swine flu

The independent journalists Tatsiana Bublikava and Aleh Ryzhkou were detained in Homel.

Police detained activist of ‘European Belarus’ Maksim Viniarski

15.10.2009 Police detained activist of ‘European Belarus’ Maksim Viniarski

On 14 October the police officers of Minsk metro detained near Maladziozhnaya station the activist of the European Belarus Maksim Viniarski who was handing out informational materials with the demand to release political prisoners.

Uladzimir Katsora demands to punish police perjurers

15.10.2009 Uladzimir Katsora demands to punish police perjurers

On 14 October the head of Homel branch of the For Freedom movement Uladzimir Katsora addressed Homel oblast prosecutor’s office with the demand to instigate a criminal case against the police officers who had drawn up on him deceitful reports following his detention on 16 September. Later Katsora and some other democratic activists of Homel were fined by court on the basis of these documents.

Fined for rally that didn't take place

14.10.2009 Fined for rally that didn't take place

On 13 October the Chyhunachny district court of Homel tried 7 pro-democratic activists. As BelaPAN informs, on 16 September 16 oppositionists planned to hold a rally of solidarity with the families of the abducted, but were detained by police on their way to the place where the event was held. As a result, the rally hadn’t taken place.

Minsk: detained for chanting ‘Long Live Belarus!’

13.10.2009 Minsk: detained for chanting ‘Long Live Belarus!’

On 12 October the member of the Conservative-Christian Party BPF Siarhei Kavalenka was detained by the police.

Navapolatsk: police detain participants of action against death penalty

12.10.2009 Navapolatsk: police detain participants of action against death penalty

Navapolatsk police detained the human rights defender Zmitser Salauyou and the youth activsits Alina Kucharenka and Yury Palonski during an informational action dated to the Universal Day against the Death Penalty within the framework of the campaign Human Rights Defenders against Death Penalty in Belarus.

Activists of ‘European Belarus’ detained for hanging out anti-nuclear banner at Astravets’ entrance

12.10.2009 Activists of ‘European Belarus’ detained for hanging out anti-nuclear banner at Astravets’ entrance

On 9 October a banner was hung out at the entrance to the town of Astravets where the public consultations on construction of a nuclear power plant in Belarus took place.

Anatol Liabedzka detained on Belarusian border

07.10.2009 Anatol Liabedzka detained on Belarusian border

The leader of the United Civil Party Anatol Liabedzka was detained after a personal search on the Belarusian-Lithuanian border in the morning of 7 October. As he said to the BelaPAN, Belarusian border guards became interested in his documents and then asked to show a customs declaration. After that the UCP leader was searched.

Activist of ‘European Belarus’ detained for handing out leaflets about trade-union rally

05.10.2009 Activist of ‘European Belarus’ detained for handing out leaflets about trade-union rally

Belarusian Trade Union of Radio Electronic Industry and Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions applied to Minsk city executive committee for authorization of a rally on 7 October.

CCP BPF activist no longer suspected in terrorism

01.10.2009 CCP BPF activist no longer suspected in terrorism

On 10 July the activist of the Conservative Christian Party Belarusian Popular Front Kanstantsin Ulanau was detained by police and spent ten days in custody in the pre-trial prison in Akrestsin Street on charges in participation in the terrorist group that was preparing a terrorist act.

01.10.2009 Minsk: journalists are detained while performing their professional duties

The leader of the Communist Party of Belarus Siarhei Kaliakin was detained while handing out Tovarishch newspaper near the entrance of Minsk Tractor Plant.

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