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Vitsebsk: Barys Khamaida detained again

2009 2009-05-15T18:56:19+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en

The opposition activist Barys Khamaida has been detained once more near the ‘blue house’ in Lenin Street 28, Vitsebsk where he usually distributes independent press.

According to Mr. Khamaida at first the police officers watched him for about 30 minutes and then guarded him to the police station. They explained him that his table with the press allegedly hindered the movement of passers-by and spoiled the outlook of the city center.

At the police station they drew up a detention report, but Mr. Khamaida refused to sign it as he considers the detention illegal. He also disagrees that his activities as a distributor of independent press can be regulated by Article 21.14 of the administrative legislation about rules of beautification of settlements. The police searched Khamaida’s belongings and composed a violation report under Article 21.14. After about two hours at the police station the oppositionist was released.

Bear in mind that Barys Khamaida was also detained on 7 May for the same reasons. Now he can be summonsed to the administrative commission and fined.

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