News on the topic: detention

Detentions in Minsk solidarity rally

21.10.2011 Detentions in Minsk solidarity rally

A number of opposition activists were detained in a rally of solidarity with prisoners of conscience staged by the European Belarus civil campaign in Minsk central Kastrychnitskaya Square this morning.

Homel activists appeal arbitrary detention

18.10.2011 Homel activists appeal arbitrary detention

Homel activists Vasil Paliakou and Leanid Sudalenka have lodged a complaint with chief of Homel Tsentralny District Police Department, appealing their arbitrary detention on the day so called “People’s Assembly” was held, 8 October, reports.

17.10.2011 HR defender detained for action of solidarity with Bialiatski in Brest

Raman Kisliak told the city dwellers about the arrest of the head of the human rights center "Viasna" through a megaphone.

Homel: Kastus Zhukouski taken for interrogation together with ill daughter

14.10.2011 Homel: Kastus Zhukouski taken for interrogation together with ill daughter

On 14 October the Homel oppositionist Kanstantsin Zhukouski hardly managed to leave his home when he was met by officers of the Guard department with rifles. They stated that it was necessary for him to go with them to the Tsentralny District Police Department of Homel and they would “insist” on his coming there if he refused.

New rector of International Institute MITSO expels participant of silent protests

12.10.2011 New rector of International Institute MITSO expels participant of silent protests

Valiantsin Fiadziuk, fourth-year student of the International Institute MITSO (higher educational establishment of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Belarus) was expelled for participation in a silent protest action. The order for his expulsion was signed by the new rector, Stanislau Kniazeu.

Slonim: detention of Ivan Bedka

12.10.2011 Slonim: detention of Ivan Bedka

On 12 October the Slonim District Court tried Ales Masiuk, a member of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party, for active participation in the People’s Assembly in Slonim.

Homel: persecution of organizers of People's Assembly continues

11.10.2011 Homel: persecution of organizers of People's Assembly continues

Homel authorities continue persecuting organizers of the assembly which took place on 8 October.

Do “black lists” return?

10.10.2011 Do “black lists” return?

At about 4.30 p.m. on 8 October Belarusian border guards took away the passports of human rights defenders viktar Sazonau (in the photo) and Yan Roman, who were returning home from Bialystok. They were kept in the hall of the customs office for some time, but were returned their passports and let go after they demanded the complaint book.

Homel: dry hunger-strike and fines

10.10.2011 Homel: dry hunger-strike and fines

Uladzimir Katsora, an oppositionist from Homel and organizer of the People’s Assembly, was taken to the Tsentralny district police department, where a report under article 23.34 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (violation of order of holding mass events) was drawn up on him.

8 October: persecution of organizers and participants of the People's Assembly continued all over Belarus

10.10.2011 8 October: persecution of organizers and participants of the People's Assembly continued all over Belarus

On 8 October, the day of the action, the authorities continued detaining and intimidating civil and political activists. People were seized in the streets arbitrary and arrested on sophisticated reasons.

Sharkaushchyna: detention of journalist Kastys Shytal

10.10.2011 Sharkaushchyna: detention of journalist Kastys Shytal

On 7 October independent journalist Kastus Shytal was hitchhiking to his home town, Dzisna. The car in which he was sitting was stopped by the police. He was told that he resembled the man who war robbing cars on the road Hlybokaye-Sharkaushchyna.

Mahiliou: police question activist of “Tell the Truth!”

06.10.2011 Mahiliou: police question activist of “Tell the Truth!”

Andrei Dvihun, an activist of the civil movement “Tell the Truth!” was summonsed to the police following the detention of another activist Anton, who was throwing leaflets “Let's Save Belarus!” into postboxes in a multi-stored building.

Brest: Vadzim Rabtsevich detained

06.10.2011 Brest: Vadzim Rabtsevich detained

Vadzim Rabtsevich, an activist of the Belarusian Leftist Party “Fair World”, was detained for posting leaflets with information about the time and place of the People's Assembly in Brest. He managed to inform human rights defender Uladzimir Malei about the detention.

06.10.2011 Baranavichy: Zmitser Shurkhai put off the train

Zmitser Shurkhai, a coordinator of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy, was put off a train in Baranavichy by police and security services.

06.10.2011 Homel: police detain silent protesters

On 5 October three participants of the silent protest rally were detained in Homel. The rally was held in the city despite of the pause in rallies announced by their organizers.

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