News for August 2014

Beltelecom refrains from comments on blockage of "Charter'97"

15.08.2014 Beltelecom refrains from comments on blockage of "Charter'97"

Belarusian Internet users continue experience problems with access to the popular socio-political web resource

Eugeniusz Wappa: honesty and Belarusianness of Radio “Racyja” are an obstacle to Belarusian regime

15.08.2014 Eugeniusz Wappa: honesty and Belarusianness of Radio “Racyja” are an obstacle to Belarusian regime

Program Director of the Belarusian Radio “Racyja” Jury Leszczinski was denied a Belarusian visa. He filed documents to the Belarusian consulate in Bialystok, as the previous year. The consulate didn't explain the reasons for the visa denial. Jury Leszczynski tried obtain a single visa for tourism purposes.

Civil Rights Defenders' open letter to Azerbaijani authorities concerning the human rights situation in the country

15.08.2014 Civil Rights Defenders' open letter to Azerbaijani authorities concerning the human rights situation in the country

Civil Rights Defenders wish to express our deepest concern over the recent arrests of at least four human rights defenders: Rasul Jafarov, Intigam Aliyev, Leyla Yunus and her husband Arif Yunusov.

Council of Ministers refuses to raise an legal issue at Constitutional Court on request of Vitsebsk residents

15.08.2014 Council of Ministers refuses to raise an legal issue at Constitutional Court on request of Vitsebsk residents

Several dozen residents of Vitsebsk have signed a collective letter to the Council of Ministers to contribute to change the regulation of the Vitebsk City Executive Committee №881 "On Mass Events in Vitsebsk" and initiate an appeal to the Constitutional Court to verify compliance of this document with the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus. The regional coordinator of the movement "For Freedom" Khrystafor received a refusal.

Azerbaijani human rights activist Intiqam Aliyev may face new charges

15.08.2014 Azerbaijani human rights activist Intiqam Aliyev may face new charges

Anar Qasimli, the lawyer of the arrested the head of the Legal Education Society, fears that his client may face new charges of illegal acquisition, sale or carrying knives.

Ukrainian human rights activists warn about dangers of laws of 12 August

15.08.2014 Ukrainian human rights activists warn about dangers of laws of 12 August

The activists claim that a number of laws and draft laws, which were adopted on 12 August, are potentially dangerous for the citizens of Ukraine and violate national and international law norms.

Situation of Human Rights in Belarus in July 2014

15.08.2014 Situation of Human Rights in Belarus in July 2014

July was marked by a stably severe human rights situation, ongoing systemic and systematic abuses. Extremely limited were the opportunities of exercising one’s civil and political rights, among which most problems were dealing with freedom of expression and freedom of assembly, arbitrary arrest and detention, the judicial system remained dependent on the executive branch.

Ukrainian human rights activists insist on inadmissibility of adopting bill №4453a "On Sanctions" in proposed edition

15.08.2014 Ukrainian human rights activists insist on inadmissibility of adopting bill №4453a "On Sanctions" in proposed edition

August 12, 2014 the Supreme Council of Ukraine unanimously adopted in the first reading the government bill №4453a "On Sanctions".

Andrey Makarevich: “Fountains are working in Slovyansk, children ride bicycles”

14.08.2014 Andrey Makarevich: “Fountains are working in Slovyansk, children ride bicycles”

The musician told Radio Liberty about his trip to the Ukrainian city of Slovyansk and his concert for children and Ukrainian refugees in Svyatogorsk.

Donetsk human rights activists assert that Ukrainian state bears partial responsibility for increase of number of militants

14.08.2014 Donetsk human rights activists assert that Ukrainian state bears partial responsibility for increase of number of militants

In eastern Ukraine, former convicts who had problems with employment even in the times of peace, face great challenges: only a small part of them can solve their problems without resorting to illegal armed groups.

Baranavichy: Viktar Statkevich is looking forward to release of his son from jail

14.08.2014 Baranavichy: Viktar Statkevich is looking forward to release of his son from jail

August 13, Baranavichy representatives of political parties and public organizations visited Viktar Statkevich and congratulated him on the 58th anniversary of his son Mikalai who is serving a sentence in prison № 4 in Mahiliou.

Aleh Korban at large so far

14.08.2014 Aleh Korban at large so far

As reported by lawyer Volha Bezbarodkina, that the ruling on the ten-day arrest for Mr. Korban hasn't yet entered into force. She has appealed it to the Minsk City Court.

“We are all to blame for what is happening in the Ukraine...”

14.08.2014 “We are all to blame for what is happening in the Ukraine...”

This was stated by media expert Svitlana Yeremenko during the round table "One country. Civil unity, struggle against separatism and occupation, resistance to informational aggression on the example of the Dnipropetrovsk region", held on 12 August.

Azerbaijan: husband and wife attempt suicide in front of Presidential Administration

14.08.2014 Azerbaijan: husband and wife attempt suicide in front of Presidential Administration

On Thursday, Jala Talibova and her husband Elchin Salahov tried to commit suicide by burning themselves in front of the Presidential Administration in Baku.

Illia Dabratvor: “Two judges refused to try me, but Judge Motyl agreed, as usual”

14.08.2014 Illia Dabratvor: “Two judges refused to try me, but Judge Motyl agreed, as usual”

The activist of the public association "Alternative" Illia Dabratvor who was released from the detention center in Akrestsin Street on August 12, told the Human Rights Centre "Viasna" about his "mysterious" detention, conviction, and why this arrest term in the detention center was the most difficult one for him.

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