News for March 2014

Homel authorities insist that the regulation "On Mass Events" doesn't concern pro-government communists

05.03.2014 Homel authorities insist that the regulation "On Mass Events" doesn't concern pro-government communists

Homel City Executive Committee allows pro-government communists, Communist Party of Belarus, not to abide by requirements of its regulation on mass event. Such conclusion can be drawn from the answer, received from the CEC by Chairman of the Homel regional organization of the Belarusian Left Party “Fair World” Uladzimir Siakerka.

05.03.2014 Freelance journalists from Homel summoned to prosecutor's office

Yulia Sivets and Mikalai Bianko have been invited to a prosecutor's office “for a conversation”.

05.03.2014 Journalist searched and questioned for six hours on the border

Pavel Mitskevich, correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda v Belorusi, was searched and questioned by Russian border guards for six hours.

Non-alternative elections to be held in the majority of district capitals of the Homel region

05.03.2014 Non-alternative elections to be held in the majority of district capitals of the Homel region

The elections to the district councils in the Loyeu, Karma, Elsk, Buda-Kashaliova, Zhytkavichy, Khoiniki, Chachersk, Lelchytsy and Naroulia districts of the Homel region will be held on non-aleternative basis: there is just one candidate per district.

Hrodna Regional Court dismissed the appeal of Mikalai Ulasevich

05.03.2014 Hrodna Regional Court dismissed the appeal of Mikalai Ulasevich

March 3, Hrodna Regional Court turned down the appeal of a civil society activist from Varniany, Mikalai Ulasevich, against the refusal of the Hrodna regional election commission to register him as a candidate for the regional council.

Uladzimir Makei speaks about the fate of Belarusian political prisoners

05.03.2014 Uladzimir Makei speaks about the fate of Belarusian political prisoners

March 1, Foreign Minister of Belarus Uladzimir Makei gave an interview to the news agency BNS (Baltic News Service) in Vilnius. Here's the full text of the interview, posted on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus.

05.03.2014 Belarusian MFA: Yanukovich's associates can count on asylum in Belarus

Belarus is ready to grant asylum to supporters of the ousted Ukrainian president. Belarusian foreign minister Uladzimir Makei noted the authorities “have been monitoring the information on the Internet that certain Yanukovych's supporters are trying or have found shelter in Belarus,” BelaPAN reports.

Insulting letters sent on behalf of Babruisk journalist

04.03.2014 Insulting letters sent on behalf of Babruisk journalist

Maryna Malchanava, Babruisk journalist working with independent media, learned that letters with insults were sent on her behalf.

Embassy of the Russian Federation refuses to accept the address of HRC “Viasna” concerning the events in the Ukraine

04.03.2014 Embassy of the Russian Federation refuses to accept the address of HRC “Viasna” concerning the events in the Ukraine

March 4, members of the Human Rights Center "Viasna" tried to pass to the Russian Ambassador to Belarus Alexander Surikov an appeal to the Russian authorities demanding to prevent further escalation of the conflict in Ukraine and immediately begin negotiations on matters affecting the interests of both countries.

Address of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” to the authorities of the Russian Federation

04.03.2014 Address of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” to the authorities of the Russian Federation

In connection with the invasion of the troops of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine and the decision of the Council of the Federation to permit the use of Russian troops on the territory of Ukraine "to normalize the situation", we, the representatives of the Human Rights Center "Viasna", express our indignation at the actions of the authorities of the Russian Federation.

UN Human Rights Committee rules in favor of Aliaksandr Kamarouski in arrest case

04.03.2014 UN Human Rights Committee rules in favor of Aliaksandr Kamarouski in arrest case

The United Nations Human Rights Committee has ruled in favor of Aliaksandr Kamarouski, co-chair of the organizing committee of the “Defenders of Fatherland” NGO, after considering his complaint against the Zhodzina City Court who sentenced him to seven days of arrest on charges of illegal picketing back in March 2008.

Trial of pensioner Sharshun postponed to March 6

03.03.2014 Trial of pensioner Sharshun postponed to March 6

On Match 3 Judge of the Tsentralny District Court Valery Yesman, started considering the “disagreement of Viktar Sharshun to the administrative proceedings against him” - this is the formulation with which the Tsentralny District Prosecutor's Office of Minsk forwarded to the court Mr. Sharshun's appeal against unlawful actions of the police and the request to punish the perpetrators.

Anatomic theater in Uppsala, Sweden

03.03.2014 Anatomic theater in Uppsala, Sweden

The last death execution in Sweden was conducted in 1910 –by the guillotine. And in the XVIIth century executions were carried out by hanging and gathered many spectators.

Participants of protest action near the Russian Embassy sentenced to arrest terms

03.03.2014 Participants of protest action near the Russian Embassy sentenced to arrest terms

At 2 p.m. on March 2, activists of various social and political movements tried to hold an action of protest near the Embassy of the Russian Federation. They were met by policemen in civvies and paddy wagons. The dispersal of the protest action was directed by the head of the Minsk police, Aliaksandr Barsukou. All in all, 23 people were detained, including many journalists. All detainees were taken to the Tsentralny District Police Department. The journalists were soon released.

Joint picket of opposition candidates in Brest

03.03.2014 Joint picket of opposition candidates in Brest

In Brest, opposition candidates for deputies of local councils for the first time held a joint electoral picket. It took place on March 2 near the supermarket "Uskhod" on Partyzanski Avenue by representatives of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada), the Belarusian Left Party "Fair World", Belarusian Popular Front, United Civil Party, as well as the public initiative "Tell the Truth".

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