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Joint picket of opposition candidates in Brest

2014 2014-03-03T16:15:49+0300 2014-03-03T16:15:49+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
Picket in Brest. March 2, 2014

Picket in Brest. March 2, 2014

In Brest, opposition candidates for deputies of local councils for the first time held a joint electoral picket. It took place on March 2 near the supermarket "Uskhod" on Partyzanski Avenue by representatives of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada), the Belarusian Left Party "Fair World", Belarusian Popular Front, United Civil Party, as well as the public initiative "Tell the Truth".

The picket lasted for about two hours, and during that time residents of Brest were given numerous campaign materials of candidates with their biographies and election programs. As noted by a member of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada) Valiantsin Lazarenkau, passers-by quite actively approached the picketers, participated in discussions with candidates and stated that they almost didn't know even the surnames of the present "people's representatives", not to mention their parliamentary activities.

In addition, representatives of the BPF put information stands with reports about the latest developments around Ukraine and stated that the party strongly condemns the Russian military aggression in the Crimea and expresses its solidarity with the people of Ukraine and the new authorities in their quest to preserve the territorial integrity of their state.

"Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections"

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