News for November 2013

Leanid Smouzh sentenced to five days of arrest

11.11.2013 Leanid Smouzh sentenced to five days of arrest

The Leninski District Court of Minsk considered the administrative case of Leanid Smouzh, detained on 10 November after a procession and rally in Loshytsa. The reason for the detention was the fact that the resident of Stoubtsy district was wearing a T-shirt with the inscription "For Belarus without Lukashenka".

Brest Regional Court turns down the appeal of trade-union activist fired from “Granite”

11.11.2013 Brest Regional Court turns down the appeal of trade-union activist fired from “Granite”

The member of the Free Trade Union of Belarus Leanid Dubanosau tried to challenge the decision of the Luninets District Court, which refused to reinstate him at work and didn't recognize the adverse discrimination at the enterprise due to his membership in the trade-union.

Assault on Polatsk democrats

11.11.2013 Assault on Polatsk democrats

At 4.30 p.m. in Polatsk the police detained five activists of the Polatsk coalition of democratic forces, at the local office of the civil campaign “Tell the Truth!”: Yury Belski, Aleh Kraiko, Anatol Prakapenka, Anton Yasinovich and Yauhen Vilski.

Our heartiest congratulations to Yuliya Hanchar on the birth of a daughter

11.11.2013 Our heartiest congratulations to Yuliya Hanchar on the birth of a daughter

The Human Rights Center "Viasna" sincerely congratulates the new parents – our dear member Yuliya Hanchar, and hear husband, Andrei Hanchar, on the birth of a daughter, and Zinaida Hanchar – on the birth of her granddaughter.

Homel police continue haunting participants of an action in the memory of victims of Stalinist repressions

11.11.2013 Homel police continue haunting participants of an action in the memory of victims of Stalinist repressions

On 8 November the deputy chairman of the United Civil Party Vasil Paliakou was summonsed to the Navabelitski District Police Department in Homel. There he was charged with organizing an unauthorized mass procession (Article 23.34 of the Administrative Code).

Dzmitry Dashkevich complains about the conditions in the center for the isolation of offenders in Akrestsin Street

11.11.2013 Dzmitry Dashkevich complains about the conditions in the center for the isolation of offenders in Akrestsin Street

On 11 November the co-chairman of the “Young Front" Dzmitry Dashkevich complained to the prosecutor of Minsk. Dashkevich asks to check whether the conditions of detention comply with the standards in the Center for isolation of offenders in Akrestsin Street.

“Young Front” activist Raman Pratasevich sentenced to two days of arrest

08.11.2013 “Young Front” activist Raman Pratasevich sentenced to two days of arrest

Raman Pratasevich was detained during the trial of another “YF” activist, Dzmitry Dashkevich on 6 November. He was subsequently taken to the center for the isolation of offenders in Akrestsin Street in Minsk and kept there for two days, as far as the courts didn't work on 7 November, a state holiday.

Homel activist Vasil Paliakou to be tried 13 November

08.11.2013 Homel activist Vasil Paliakou to be tried 13 November

Since 10 a.m. the deputy head of the United Civil Party Vasil Paliakou has been at the office of the head of the public order bureau of the Navabelitski District Police Department of Homel, Henadz Khilkevich. He has received charges of violating the order of organizing and holding mass events.

Mahiliou democrat appeals against a fine for distribution of leaflets

08.11.2013 Mahiliou democrat appeals against a fine for distribution of leaflets

On 7 November the leader of the Mahiliou regional coalition of democratic forces Yury Novikau filed an appeal against the ruling of the Leninski District Court of Mahiliou for 29 October 2013 to the Mahiliou Regional Court.

Authorities banned a picket calling for repairs of a bridge in Orsha

08.11.2013 Authorities banned a picket calling for repairs of a bridge in Orsha

The Orsha District Executive Committee didn't answer the request of the activists for authorizing the picket. They just demanded that the lattter ones present a service agreement with the police for guarding the action participants visitors.

08.11.2013 Babruisk police confiscated poster “Thank God” at Communist rally

A rally dedicated to the 96th anniversary of the October Revolution was held on 7 November in Babruisk.

Yury Rubtsou appeals his arrest and demands to be returned his T-shirt

08.11.2013 Yury Rubtsou appeals his arrest and demands to be returned his T-shirt

Homel resident Yury Rubtsou filed an appeal to the Minsk City Court against the illegal administrative detention. The activist also requires the head of the Maskouski District Police Department to conduct an official investigation into the arbitrary seizure of the “garment with an inscription of a political nature".

07.11.2013 Ales Bialiatski has served a half of his sentence

The political prisoner, head of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” Ales Bialiatski has served a half of the term of imprisonment. He mentioned this date in his letter to his wife, Natallia Pinchuk.

Another hearing concerning the construction of a bleach pulp plant was held on 6 November

07.11.2013 Another hearing concerning the construction of a bleach pulp plant was held on 6 November

The third hearing on the environmental lawsuit regarding the construction of the bleached pulp plant was held on 6 November in Svetlahorsk. As it became known to the website from the press release the court was provided with materials that the European Union and Russia refuse to use chlorine dioxide – a hazardous substance that is going to be used at the plant in Svetlahorsk.

Homel oppositionists are summonsed to the police for the “Dziady” rally

06.11.2013 Homel oppositionists are summonsed to the police for the “Dziady” rally

Deputy chairman of the United Civil Party Vasil Paliakou received a summons to the Navabelitski District Police Department of Homel. According to the notice, he must come to the head of the public order department Khilkevich on 10 November. It is known that the police were also looking for other Homel oppositionists to pass them similar notices.

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