News for November 2013

Minsk Regional Prosecutor's Office turns down Viktar Malochka's appeal against the actions of the Salihorsk district newspaper “Shakhtsior”

13.11.2013 Minsk Regional Prosecutor's Office turns down Viktar Malochka's appeal against the actions of the Salihorsk district newspaper “Shakhtsior”

The Minsk Regional Prosecutor's Office didn't grant the appeal of the local civil society activist Viktar Malochka against the editorial office of the newspaper “Shakhtsior”, founded by the Salihorsk District Executive Committee. Now the activist is going to apply to the Office of the Prosecutor General.

UN Human Rights Committee recognizes violation of the rights of Homel oppositionist

13.11.2013 UN Human Rights Committee recognizes violation of the rights of Homel oppositionist

The Human Rights Committee of the UN acknowledged that the Belarusian authorities had violated the right of the Chairman of the Homel regional organization of the Belarusian Leftist Party "Fair World" Uladzimir Siakerka to hold a peaceful assembly by banning the December 2007 rally to be held in Homel in disagreement with the abolition of benefits to the entire population of the country.

Examination of the prohibited book by Ales Bialiatski abolished by the State Customs Committee until... a new examination

13.11.2013 Examination of the prohibited book by Ales Bialiatski abolished by the State Customs Committee until... a new examination

The member of the Board of the HRC "Viasna" Tatsiana Reviaka received a response to her complaint from the State Customs Committee. She appealed against the violations of the customs officials of the Ashmiany Customs Office during the appointment of an expert examination of the book by Ales Bialiatski “Enlightened by the Belarusian issue” and the violations on the part of the “expert commission” which concluded that the book "could damage the image of the Republic of Belarus".

Head of Homel Regional Court directs the case of Dzianis Rabianok for a new trial

12.11.2013 Head of Homel Regional Court directs the case of Dzianis Rabianok for a new trial

It took the activist of the United Civil Party from Kalinkavichy Dzianis Rabianok seven months to succeed in protecting his rights. Back in April he was attacked by Recall that in April this year by an aggressive neighbour who sprayed pepper spray in his face.

International experts analyze the Belarusian legislation in the sphere of NGOs

12.11.2013 International experts analyze the Belarusian legislation in the sphere of NGOs

International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL) prepared an analysis of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on the non-profit organizations. This is by far the most thorough and comprehensive review of the Belarusian non-profit law and the legal environment of non-governmental organizations.

Belarus remains at bottom of Eastern Partnership media freedom lis

12.11.2013 Belarus remains at bottom of Eastern Partnership media freedom lis

Minsk, 11 November. Belarus has again been ranked last among the six Eastern Partnership participating countries in a media freedom index compiled by Ukraine`s Internews with the support of the European Union, Andrei Bastunets, deputy chairman of the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ), told reporters in Minsk on Monday.

Administrative case against Yauhen Kontush gets dropped due to lack of evidence of his guilt

12.11.2013 Administrative case against Yauhen Kontush gets dropped due to lack of evidence of his guilt

On 11 November in Minsk Tsentralny District Court held a second trial on the administrative case of an activist of the National-Bolshevik movement Yauhen Kontush, who on 22 August had been sentenced to a fine of 12 basic units by Judge Viktoryia Shabunia under Article 23.34 of the Administrative Code, a violation of the order of organizing and holding mass events.

12.11.2013 Foreigners taken to a forest near Kurapaty, beaten and threatened

The victims, Azerbaijan, Tajik and Armenian nationals, reported about mass violence by men in civilian clothes, who seized, beat and intimidated them.

Uladzimir Yaromenak to serve three-month arrest

12.11.2013 Uladzimir Yaromenak to serve three-month arrest

It took the board of judges of the Minsk City Court just seven minutes to consider Uladzimir Yaromenak's appeal against the verdict of the Pershamaiski District Court of Minsk, by which he was sentenced to three months of arrest.

12.11.2013 Ales Bialiatski earns about $2 a month working six days a week

Ales Bialiatski earns about 20,000 rubles, and can spend just about 130,000 rubles in the prison shop.

Authorities cover up black lists' compilers

12.11.2013 Authorities cover up black lists' compilers

Officials conceal on the basis of which document independent web-sites have been included in the list of Internet information sources with limited access.

Trial “BELSATplus” vs. “BelSat TV” postponed to 9 December

11.11.2013 Trial “BELSATplus” vs. “BelSat TV” postponed to 9 December

The Supreme Court decided to defer the trial on request of the representative of the “BelSat TV” Michail Yanchuk.

Homel: Zmitser Karashkou charged with illegal picketing

11.11.2013 Homel: Zmitser Karashkou charged with illegal picketing

In the morning of 11 November the coordinator of the civil campaign “Stop drinking – start living!” Zmitser Karashkou was detained for holding an anti-alcoholization picket in front of the Homel Regional Executive Committee, where he unfurled a huge banner "Stop the sale of alcohol near schools".

Policeman sentenced to 6 years in jail for squeezing out testimonies

11.11.2013 Policeman sentenced to 6 years in jail for squeezing out testimonies

According to the newspaper “Krychauskaya Zhyttsio”, on 31 October the Babruisk inter-district military court sentenced a Krychau policeman to 6 years years of jail under Part 3 of Art. 426 of the Criminal Code (abuse of power or authority ) and paragraph 9 of Part 2 of Art . 147 of the Criminal Code (intentional infliction of a serious bodily injury), without confiscation of property, with deprivation of the special title of "senior police sergeant", with disqualification to hold certain positions for a period of five years.

Baranavichy: civil activist Ryhor Hryk intends to hold a picket “For public control over actions of the authorities”

11.11.2013 Baranavichy: civil activist Ryhor Hryk intends to hold a picket “For public control over actions of the authorities”

The civil activist Ryhor Hryk filed an application for the action to the Baranavichy District Executive Committee.

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2002: December November October September

