News for May 2013

Pavel Vinahradau shown prophylactic films for nine hours at police station

10.05.2013 Pavel Vinahradau shown prophylactic films for nine hours at police station

At about 7 a.m. on 9 May the leader of "Zmena" (the youth wing of the civil campaign "Tell The Truth") Pavel Vinahradau was taken to the police station out of his apartment. He was released from the police department only on 4.45 p.m.

Uladzimir Yaromenak taken 40 kilometers away from Minsk on release from jail

10.05.2013 Uladzimir Yaromenak taken 40 kilometers away from Minsk on release from jail

"Young Front" activist Uladzimir Yaromenak was driven 40 kilometers away from Minsk after serving 15-day arrest term.

Head of Belaaziorsk City Executive Committee ignores address of 40 citizens

10.05.2013 Head of Belaaziorsk City Executive Committee ignores address of 40 citizens

The executive committee demands that dwellers of house 11/1 in Mir Avenue in Belaaziorsk pay a large sum of money for the carcass of their house 20 years after its construction. The dwellers, in their turn, demanded that the head of the executive committee Viachaslau Dabrouski provide them with the documents about the cost of the construction works, as they consider the sum to be too large.

Baranavichy: victims of Stalin's repressions commemorated on Victory Day

10.05.2013 Baranavichy: victims of Stalin's repressions commemorated on Victory Day

On 9 May civic society activists of Baranavichy commemorated the people who had perished during WWII and the times of Stalin's repressions. At first they laid down flowers to the Eternal Flame in the center of the city and then – near the cross to victims of Stalin's repressions of 1939-1953 at the crossing of Pirahou and Smalenskaya Streets (the place where "Kryvoye Kola" ("Crooked Circle") prison used to be situated). The iron cross was installed there in 1992 as a memorial sign to victims of Bolshevik repressions in Belarus.

Mahiliou Court sides with deputy in land dispute

09.05.2013 Mahiliou Court sides with deputy in land dispute

On 8 May Judge of Leninski District Court of Mahiliou Alena Dyblenka turned down the appeal of Dzmitry Yaustratau, a dweller of the village of Niadashava-2 in Mahiliou district, against the decision of the district executive committee about the transfer of the land of general use to farmer Yury Korshunau without holding public hearings.

Catherine Ashton urges Belarus to introduce moratorium on death penalty

08.05.2013 Catherine Ashton urges Belarus to introduce moratorium on death penalty

EU High Representative, Catherine Ashton today issued a statement condemning the death sentence imposed on a detainee of Mahiliou prison in Belarus after he murdered his cellmate.

08.05.2013 Siarhei Verameyenka gets fined for distributing printed matter without imprint

On 7 May the trial of Siarhei Verameyenka, an activist of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy party, took place in Leninski District Court of Hrodna.

08.05.2013 Journalist Hruzdzilovich issued with official warning

Aleh Hruzdzilovich received an official warning, singed by the first deputy prosecutor of Minsk Ramanouski, concerning the article "Who blasted Minsk metro?"

Teacher persuades pupils not to take exams in Belarusian

08.05.2013 Teacher persuades pupils not to take exams in Belarusian

A conflict with school-leavers took place in secondary school #4 in Ivatsevichy. In one of the forms, more than a half of pupils chose the Belarusian language as a final exam.

Two Vitsebsk activists to be tried for protest against construction of Nuclear Power Plant

08.05.2013 Two Vitsebsk activists to be tried for protest against construction of Nuclear Power Plant

A member of the Conservative-Christian Party "Belarusian Popular Front" Vital Kavalenka was charged with violating the Law on Mass Events. A week ago similar charges were given to his alley Yan Dziarzhautsau.

Salihorsk Court dismisses appeal against Freedom Day picket ban

08.05.2013 Salihorsk Court dismisses appeal against Freedom Day picket ban

Salihorsk District Court didn't grant the appeal of civic activist Uladzimir Shyla against the ban of the picket he intended to hold on Freedom Day, 25 March. The trial was lead by the deputy-head of the court Ala Trafimchuk.

Anzhalika Kambalava detained and fined for picket in memory of Zakharanka

08.05.2013 Anzhalika Kambalava detained and fined for picket in memory of Zakharanka

On 7 May in Baranavichy an activist of the United Civil Party Anzhalika Kambalava was detained for holding a picket to remind the people about the missing ex-Minister of Interior, Yury Zakharanka.

Journalists Halko and Yarashevich sentenced to arrest

08.05.2013 Journalists Halko and Yarashevich sentenced to arrest

In the evening of 6 May Aliaksandr Yarashevich, a journalist of the Belarusian service of Radio "Racyja", and blogger Dzmitry Halko were detained near the metro station "Mikhalova". At about 8.40 p.m. a bus with riot policemen stopped near them, the guys were pulled into a car and taken to Maskouski District Police Department in Minsk.

"Blanket full of lice" – youth activists tell about conditions in detention center in Akrestsin Street

07.05.2013 "Blanket full of lice" – youth activists tell about conditions in detention center in Akrestsin Street

On 6 May 2013 Dzmitry Charniak, Aliaksandr Tarnahurski ("European Belarus") and anarchist Ihar Trukhanovich were released from jail.

Volha Haidukova not allowed to see her son

07.05.2013 Volha Haidukova not allowed to see her son

Aleh Barysevich, an investigator of Vitsebsk KGB Department, refused to allow Volha Haidukova to visit her son, 24-year-old Navapolatsk resident Andrei Haidukou, charged with high treason and kept in the remand prison of the KGB.

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