News for April 2013

Klimavichy activist demands that KGB compensate transport expenses

02.04.2013 Klimavichy activist demands that KGB compensate transport expenses

On 1 April Aliaksandr Balobin, Klimavichy activist of civil campaign "Tell the Truth" filed a pretension to the head of Krychau inter-district KGB department Illia Krautsou. He demands that KGB compensate to him the expenditures for the travel from Krychau to the village of Paulavichy in Klimavichy district.

Slonim: Ivan Bedka summonsed to police after launching air balloons

02.04.2013 Slonim: Ivan Bedka summonsed to police after launching air balloons

The head of Slonim branch of the Belarusian Christian Democracy, Ivan Bedka, was summonsed to Slonim District Police Department at 11 a.m on 2 April by an official notice.

Detained Ukrainians made a video report about their trip to Belarus

02.04.2013 Detained Ukrainians made a video report about their trip to Belarus

The members of the Ukrainian organization "National Alliance", detained after the Freedom Day action in Minsk, uploaded to the Internet a video report about their journey to Belarus and return home after the detention.

Human Rights Center “Viasna” starts working in new office

02.04.2013 Human Rights Center “Viasna” starts working in new office

On 1 April, the opening day of the new office of the HRC “Viasna”, the human rights defenders presented new analytical editions, shared their plans for the future and defined the priorities for their current activities.

Vitsebsk activists demand to be presented yearly schedule of events in 30-hoddzia VLKSM Park

01.04.2013 Vitsebsk activists demand to be presented yearly schedule of events in 30-hoddzia VLKSM Park

Khrystafor Zhaliapau and Aliaksei Haurutsikau ask Vitsebsk City Executive Committee to familiarize them with the yearly schedule of the usage of this park. They also filed two new applications for mass events to Pershamaiski District Executive Committee of Vitsebsk.

Justice Ministry seeks to liquidate "Good Will"

01.04.2013 Justice Ministry seeks to liquidate "Good Will"

As stated by the head of the international civil association "Good Will", Leanid Skarabahaty, the trial on the liquidation of the NGOs resumed on 1 April.

Another activist of independent trade union dismissed from "Granite"

01.04.2013 Another activist of independent trade union dismissed from "Granite"

Anatol Litvinka, one of the founders of the independent trade union organization at Mikashevichy plant "Granite", was dismissed by an order of the "Granite" director general, Eduard Haurylkovich.

Death penalty was discussed in Belarusian regions

01.04.2013 Death penalty was discussed in Belarusian regions

A number of public discussions concerning the death penalty was held in the Belarusian regions last week. On 27 March a public discussion was held in Mahiliou, on 30 March – in Hrodna and on 31 March – in Minsk.

Shklou District Council concerned over abuses of its members

01.04.2013 Shklou District Council concerned over abuses of its members

The question "On law-abidance and norms of deputies' ethics" was considered at the latest session of Shklou District Council. As stated by Shklou district newspaper "Udarnyi Front", the reason for that was the recent increase in the number of abuses by deputies of councils of all levels in Mahiliou region and the city of Mahiliou.

Babruisk: presentation of book about Ales Bialiatski held not far from the penal colony where he is kept

01.04.2013 Babruisk: presentation of book about Ales Bialiatski held not far from the penal colony where he is kept

On 30 March the presentation of the books "Bialiatski's Case" and "Enlightened by Belarusian Issue" was held in Babruisk.

Mikalai Autukhovich: "The new leader is among us"

01.04.2013 Mikalai Autukhovich: "The new leader is among us"

In his letter the political prisoner reflexes on the possible changes awaiting Belarus and shares his latest news.

01.04.2013 Why are detainees kept in jail at weekends?

Brest human rights defender Raman Kisliak filed appeals to the Minister of Interior of Belarus, Ihar Shunevich, and the head of the Supreme Court, Valiantsin Sukala, asking to provide "prompt delivery of administrative detainees to courts for trials".

01.04.2013 Bailiffs confiscate TV set from Bialiatski's family

Mikhail Hastela, a bailiff of Partyzanski District Court of Minsk, confiscated a TV set from Natallia Pinchuk, wife of political prisoner Ales Bialiatski.

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