News for 8 Nov 2012

If you want to use Belarusian – pay for interpreter’s services

08.11.2012 If you want to use Belarusian – pay for interpreter’s services

On 6 November the Baranavichy human rights defender Siarhei Housha received an answer from the first deputy head of the main justice department of the Brest Region Executive Committee A.Hushchyn.

Persecution of civil activists in Svislach continues

08.11.2012 Persecution of civil activists in Svislach continues

Recently, administrative reports or alleged participation in an unauthorized action have been drawn up on the local citizens Viktar Dzesiatsik, Yury Hlebik and Anatol Valiuk.

Brest authorities keep ignoring the requests to improve the transport schedule

08.11.2012 Brest authorities keep ignoring the requests to improve the transport schedule

Citizens of the Hrayeuka and Biarozauka suburbs still cannot get the bus depot #1 of Brest to correct the schedule of the busses which go from the railway station to these suburbs.

“Young Front” activist Uladzimir Yaromenak sentenced to 15 days of arrest

08.11.2012 “Young Front” activist Uladzimir Yaromenak sentenced to 15 days of arrest

The activist was detained by the guards of the House of the Parliament in the evening of 6 November.

Parychy: how to return children to stepmother?

08.11.2012 Parychy: how to return children to stepmother?

600 signatures have been collected by the international civil association “Good Will” in support of the return of the six adoptive children to their stepmother.

Sweden: Östgruppen prepares another bear landing party to Belarus

08.11.2012 Sweden: Östgruppen prepares another bear landing party to Belarus

On Saturday, 10 November, the Swedish human rights organization Östgruppen will hold the action “Plush landing force-2”. Teddy bears with demands of respect to human rights will depart to Belarus again: this time – in parcels, which will be sent to the Belarusian officials and politicians who are banned entry to the EU because of their involvement in human rights abuses in Belarus.

Homel activist of Belarusian Christian Democracy gets sacked again

08.11.2012 Homel activist of Belarusian Christian Democracy gets sacked again

Andrei Papou, a Homel activist of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy, has lost the job of plumber at the “Metalpolimer” enterprise, after the expiry of the probation period.

Complaint of Brest customs officers registered at UN Human Rights Committee

08.11.2012 Complaint of Brest customs officers registered at UN Human Rights Committee

22 former inspectors of the “Western Buh” customs office and 7 former mechanics of the terminal of the “Westauto” enterprise filed individual communications to this international structure back in March 2011. They pointed at violation of their right to fair trial.

08.11.2012 BAJ urges authorities to unfreeze “Arche” accounts

Belarusian Association of Journalists sent an official letter to the head of the Department for Financial Investigations of the State Control Committee Ryhor Vieramko asking to unfreeze the assets of the “Arche” magazine.

08.11.2012 7 November – Communism Victims Commemoration Day

The organizing committee of the party Belarusian Christian Democracy (BChD) calls for 7 November to be recognized as the Day of Commemoration of the Communism victims.

08.11.2012 “AI” representative Heather McGill not let in Belarus

The Belarusian authorities denied a visa to Amnesty International’s researcher on Belarus, Heather McGill.

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