News for February 2012

Navapolatsk police and KGB raid apartment of local pro-dem activist

17.02.2012 Navapolatsk police and KGB raid apartment of local pro-dem activist

On 16 February, Navapolatsk KGB and police searched the private residence of local pro-democratic activist Mrs. Volha Damaskina, seizing a PC, a laptop and several CDs and DVDs. The raid reportedly dealt with a criminal case under Art. 341 of the Criminal Code opened against the activist’s son Dzmitry Ryzhychenka in April 2010.

17.02.2012 Rymasheuski: All BCD-related websites are down

One of the leaders of the steering committee for the creation of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party has claimed that something like that occurred on December 19, 2010.

17.02.2012 Ill-treatment of political prisoners goes on

A forcible attempt was made to throw Zmitser Dashkevich into a cell with a so-called downcast prisoner.

Front Line Defenders publishes 2012 annual Report on human rights defenders

17.02.2012 Front Line Defenders publishes 2012 annual Report on human rights defenders

This report underlines the crucial role played by human rights defenders in standing up for the rights of others, challenging oppression and speaking out for those who have no voice said Front Line Defenders' Executive Director Mary Lawlor speaking in Dublin today.

17.02.2012 Interrogation in police for taking photo of a flag

Syarhei Serabro, the editor of “Narodnye Novosti Vitebska” newspaper, has been called to police for an interrogation.

MEPs urge Belarus to abolish death penalty and free political prisoners

17.02.2012 MEPs urge Belarus to abolish death penalty and free political prisoners

European Parliament resolution of 16 February 2012 on the death penalty in Belarus, in particular the cases of Dzmitry Kanavalau and Uladzislau Kavalyou

Orsha authorities keep violating Mass Events Code

16.02.2012 Orsha authorities keep violating Mass Events Code

Orsha town executive committee keeps ignoring the mass events legislation, say local activists of the Fair World United Leftist Party, whose applications to hold four pickets on 18 February were ignored by the authorities.

Baranavichy Ukrainian minority activist appeals arrogation charges

16.02.2012 Baranavichy Ukrainian minority activist appeals arrogation charges

On 16 February, Baranavichy entrepreneur Mikalai Charnavus lodged a complaint with Brest Regional Court, appealing 10 February conviction for alleged usurpation of power during the creation of the Kobzar Ukrainian minority association.

16.02.2012 BCD Homel activist faces dismissal

The administration of Homel confectionary factory has ordered to terminate the employment contract of local activist of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party Andrei Padziarun, the BCD press-service reports.

Andrei Paluda: “Unfortunately, Belarus authorities totally disregard European Parliament’s resolutions”

16.02.2012 Andrei Paluda: “Unfortunately, Belarus authorities totally disregard European Parliament’s resolutions”

Today, the European Parliament is expected to consider the issue of the death penalty in Belarus, Egypt and Japan. Representatives of the campaign “Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections” are said to closely monitor Europe’s reaction to Belarusian events.

Vitsebsk opposition activists appeal fines

16.02.2012 Vitsebsk opposition activists appeal fines

Vitsebsk opposition activists Tatsiana Seviarynets and Iryna Yaskevich have lodged supervisory appeals against a court ruling sentencing them to fines for alleged violation of Mass Events Code during the arrangement of the so-called People’s Assembly back on 8 October 2011.

16.02.2012 Riot police raid office of European Belarus

Riot police raided the Minsk office of an opposition group called European Belarus on Wednesday evening, claiming that they had been tipped off about drugs in the apartment.

16.02.2012 British Law Society joins campaign in support of rights activist Aleh Volchak

The Law Society, a professional body representing more than 150,000 solicitors in England and Wales, has joined a campaign in support of human rights defender Aleh Volchak, BelaPAN said.

16.02.2012 Young Front member expelled from third year of BNTU

Mihas Muski has sent a letter to Syarhei Maskevich, Minister of Education, today.

16.02.2012 MEP Marek Migalski stands up for Ivan Shyla

He has sent a letter to Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Radoslaw Sikorski and Polish Ambassador to Belarus Leszek Szerepka.

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