News for January 2012

MIA finds nothing wrong with refusal of Orsha police to conclude service agreement

30.01.2012 MIA finds nothing wrong with refusal of Orsha police to conclude service agreement

The Orsha human rights defenders Vasil Berasneu and Vasil Leuchankau received an answer from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to their complaint concerning the refusal of the Orsha City Police Department to conclude an agreement for serving their picket.

Two European MPs demand abolishment of death sentence to Kanavalau and Kavaliou

30.01.2012 Two European MPs demand abolishment of death sentence to Kanavalau and Kavaliou

MEPs Laima Andrikiene and Eduard Kukan in their joint statement have deplored the unfair trial of both Dzmitry Kanavalau and Uladzislau Kavaliou and urgently called on President Lukashenka to establish an immediate moratorium of their death penalty. They have stressed the growing urgency for this, as both condemned can be executed now at any moment without warning, after their appeal for clemency had been rejected.

30.01.2012 Minsk dweller goes on hunger-strike of protest against torture of Andrei Sannikau

That’s how Andrei Nikalayeu wants to show support to his candidate.

30.01.2012 Tougher conditions created for political prisoner Zmitser Bandarenka

On Monday new terms of confinement for Zmitser Bandarenka are introduced in the Mahiliou colony, as the coordinator of the civic campaign European Belarus told his wife on 29 January in a telephone conversation.

OMCT urges Belarusian authorities to release Aleh Volchak

28.01.2012 OMCT urges Belarusian authorities to release Aleh Volchak

The Observatory has been informed by reliable sources of the arrest and alleged detention of Mr. Aleh Volchek, Head of “Legal Aid to the Population”, an organisation that provided legal assistance and was liquidated in 2003. The organisation recently published a report about the trial of Mr. Ales Bialiatski, President of HRC Viasna and FIDH Vice-President. Mr. Volchek’s recent work focused notably on political prisoners.

Parliamentarians of Council of Europe nominate Ales Bialiatski for Nobel Peace Prize

28.01.2012 Parliamentarians of Council of Europe nominate Ales Bialiatski for Nobel Peace Prize

Here we present to your attention the full text of the appropriate document.

Mahiliou authorities ban “Fair World” picket

27.01.2012 Mahiliou authorities ban “Fair World” picket

Members of the Mahiliou region branch of the Belarusian Leftist Party “Fair World” intended to hold a picket at 12 a.m. on 28 January in order to protest against the people's pauperization. The picket was to have taken place at the “Khimik” stadium, the only place determined for opposition's actions by a special ruling of the city authorities. However, the authorities refused to authorize the action. The alleged reason is that a mass sportive event will be held at the stadium at the specified time.

Human rights defender Aleh Volchak detained

27.01.2012 Human rights defender Aleh Volchak detained

The human rights activist has been detained outdoors in Minsk and guarded to the Maskouski District Police Department of Minsk. The reasons for the detention aren't known yet.

27.01.2012 Polish MPs nominate Bialiatski for Nobel Peace Prize too

Signatures for the nomination of the Belarusian human rights defender and political prisoner Ales Bialiatski were collected in the Polish Parliament by representatives of the two biggest Polish parties – the ruling “Civil Platform” and the oppositional “Law and Justice”.

27.01.2012 Ales Bialiatski nominated for Nobel prize by five Ukrainian MPs

According to Roman Bezsmertny, former Ambassador of the Ukraine to Belarus, five Ukrainian parliamentarians addressed the Nobel Peace Prize Committee with a letter for the nomination of the Belarusian human rights defender Ales Bialiatski as a candidate for the Peace Prize.

27.01.2012 Death convict Dzmitry Kanavalau refuses to file pardon appeal

25-year-old Dzmitry Kanavalau, sentenced to death for terrorism, considered his sentence legal and refused to file an appeal for pardon. This has been stated by BelaPAN with a reference to General Prosecutor Aliaksandr Kaniuk. Let us remind you, the Vitsebsk native was accused of Minsk metro terrorist act and a series of other blasts. He has been sentenced to death.

Baranavichy authorities ban anti-pauperization picket

26.01.2012 Baranavichy authorities ban anti-pauperization picket

Viktar Tsiapin, Baranavichy leader of the Fair World Leftist Party, has received a reply from local executive authorities saying that the picket he was expected to stage on 28 January had been banned.

Rahachou activist faces libel charges

26.01.2012 Rahachou activist faces libel charges

Rahachou activist Dzianis Dashkevich has been charged with allegedly libeling head of local district administration Mr. Viktar Banchuk.

26.01.2012 Polish Sejm to nominate Ales Bialiatski for Nobel Peace Prize

A number of MPs of the Polish Sejm are expected to announce their involvement in the nomination of Viasna leader Ales Bialiatski for the Nobel Peace Prize this Friday, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reports.

26.01.2012 Vitsebsk police detain Siarhei Kavalenka’s wife

At about 9 p.m. last evening, Vitsebsk police detained the wife and sister-in-law of local activist of the Conservative Christian Party “Belarusian Popular Front” Siarhei Kavalenka, as they were distributing leaflets in support of the hunger-striking prisoner, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reports, quoting Siarhei Kavalenka’s brother Vital.

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