News for November 2011

21.11.2011 Rechytsa BCD activist detained by police

Rechytsa road police have reportedly detained local activist of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party Kastus Zmushko as he was returning home together with his brother last evening, Radio Racyja reports.

Brest resident appeals “silent protest” fine

21.11.2011 Brest resident appeals “silent protest” fine

Brest resident Taras Berazhnoi has lodged a complaint with the Supreme Court against a fine for alleged involvement in a “silent protest” on 29 June.

Former police lieutenant-colonel accuses policemen of false witness

21.11.2011 Former police lieutenant-colonel accuses policemen of false witness

Former lieutenant-colonel of Salihorsk financial police Viktar Malochka keeps fighting for the rehabilitation of his rights, reportedly violated by two arbitrary detentions during so called “silent protests” on 15 and 22 June.

Baranavichy activist appeals conviction of involvement in People’s Assembly

21.11.2011 Baranavichy activist appeals conviction of involvement in People’s Assembly

Baranavichy activist Viktar Syrytsa has a lodged a complaint with Brest Regional Court against a BYR 875,000 fine for involvement in the organization of the People’s Assembly on 8 October.

Stop murder – in the name of the people!

20.11.2011 Stop murder – in the name of the people!

The Human Rights Defenders Against the Death Penalty are calling upon everyone to help save human lives by signing the online petition against the possible execution of Dzmitry Kanavalau and Uladzislau Kavaliou.

A brief review of the fifth day of the Ales Bialiatski hearing

18.11.2011 A brief review of the fifth day of the Ales Bialiatski hearing

November 16, 2011 in Minsk saw the fifth day of the hearing of Human Rights Center Viasna Head and Vice-president of FIDH Ales Bialiatski.

Today's hearing was devoted to the disclosure of a new version of the indictment.

UN Human Rights Committee registers first complaint on 2010 pre-election violations

18.11.2011 UN Human Rights Committee registers first complaint on 2010 pre-election violations

The UN Human Rights Committee has registered an individual complaint by Homel human rights defender Leanid Sudalenka against an arbitrary detention by the Belarusian border troops ahead of the 2010 presidential election.

Stefanovich tax trial to start on 2 December

18.11.2011 Stefanovich tax trial to start on 2 December

The civil charges brought against Viasna deputy chair Valiantsin Stefanovich for alleged tax violations will be heard by Minsk Partyzanski District Court on 2 December.

Brest court turns down complaint by People’s Assembly activist

18.11.2011 Brest court turns down complaint by People’s Assembly activist

Brest Regional Court has dismissed an appeal against a BYR 875,000 fine imposed on Baranavichy organizer of the 8 October People’s Assembly Viktar Tsiapin.

Protesters convicted of prayer

18.11.2011 Protesters convicted of prayer

On 17 November, Minsk Tsentralny District Court heard the administrative charges brought against Aliaksandr Makayeu and Aliaksandr Kalyanau for staging a protest in Kastrychnitskaya Square on 16 November.

Brest court upholds verdict to local human rights defender

17.11.2011 Brest court upholds verdict to local human rights defender

On 17 November, Brest Regional Court dismissed an appeal by local human rights defender Raman Kisliak against a BYR 350,000 fine for staging a picket of solidarity with the imprisoned Viasna leader Ales Bialiatski on 16 October.

Artak Kirokasyan: This is a trial of the entire independent civil society sector in Belarus

17.11.2011 Artak Kirokasyan: This is a trial of the entire independent civil society sector in Belarus

FIDH Secretary General and Chairman of the Civil Society Institute (Armenia) Artak Kirakosyan, who has been closely following the trial of FIDH Vice-President Ales Bialiatski, has commented on the “new charges” that were brought against the Belarusian human rights defender on 16 November.

17.11.2011 Berlin concerned about Andrei Sannikov

Bundestag member Marieluise Beck called on the Belarusian authorities to “immediately inform the family and lawyers of Andrei Sannikov about his location and provide access to him”.

Sannikau’s lawyer appeals meeting ban

17.11.2011 Sannikau’s lawyer appeals meeting ban

Mrs. Maryna Kavaleuskaya, the lawyer of former presidential candidate Andrei Sannikau, is appealing a ban on meeting her client ordered by head of Mahiliou prison #4 Aliaksandr Lamaza.

Urgent appeal: Viasna demands to stop abuse against Andrei Sannikau and his family

17.11.2011 Urgent appeal: Viasna demands to stop abuse against Andrei Sannikau and his family

The Human Rights Center “Viasna” urges the Belarusian authorities to immediately put an end to abuses against prisoner of conscience Andrei Sannikau and his family.

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