News for September 2008

21.09.2008 UDF will not withdraw candidates

On September 21st the Political Council of the United Democratic Forces took place in Minsk. UDF participation in the parliamentary election 2008 was on the agenda.

The UDF Political Council decided not to withdraw its candidates. “There will be no organized withdrawal of candidates representing the United Democratic Forces”, -- UCP leader Anatol Liabedzka told BelaPAN.

21.09.2008 Mazyr: UCP candidate receives warning

On September 19th Mazyr district commission #42 held a session. The goal of the session was proposed by commission chair M. M. Pashynski in the following way: discussion of “production and distribution of the leaflet of candidate L. Arlou”. Leanid Arlou is a member of UCP, associate professor of Mazyr Teacher’s University.

21.09.2008 Svetlahorsk: Not all voters included in voters’ lists

A member of one of precinct election commissions in Svetlahorsk reports, the chairman of the commission instructed them not to include all voters living in the precinct in a voters’ list. “There are people who never go to the polls in every precinct. Experienced members of precinct election commissions know who they are. The school principal said such people should not be included in the lists.”, -- the member of a precinct election commission, who asked not to publish his name, said. They received similar instructions during the previous elections, he added.

21.09.2008 Drahichyn: Police detain for campaigning

On September 21st, 9.50 a.m. Drahichyn police detained two activists near the entrance to the city market. Ales Ramanovich, agent of BPF candidate Uladzimir Kazeka (Dnepra-Buhskaya district # 10), and his team activist Vasil Prakopchyk were detained for distribution of Kazeka’s campaign materials. The detained were taken to Drahichy police department. The police officers explained the detention in a very strange way: they claimed, campaigning is banned at work places. However, they failed to explain, whose work places they were referring to.

20.09.2008 Baranavichy: Authorities embroider the statistics before the elections

The department of the ideological work of Baranavichy city executive committee spread the material “Belarus on the edge of elections” through Nash Krai newspaper (# 111 of September 18th, 2008).

20.09.2008 Barysau: Rayon executive committee instructed top managers

On September 18th Barysau rayon executive committee gathered a conference of all heads of enterprises, oranizations and institutions of the city and the rayon under the “coded" title “Preparation to the heating season”. However, the main issue on the conference agenda was the upcoming election.

20.09.2008 Homel: Mayor Candidate uses administrative resource

A meeting with voters of Alexander Bialiayeu was planned for September 19th in Homel Arts School # 5 (Homel-Selmashauskaya district # 32). The school administrations made all the prior arrangements to prepare for the visit of the candidate and Homel mayor in one person.

20.09.2008 Homel: “Students, don’t be afraid to say NO!”

On September 19th civic activists spread the brochure “Students and elections” in Homel higher educational establishments. The pocket book informs about the rights and duties of citizens during elections, and tells the students that forcing anyone to vote is the violation of the Belarusian law.

19.09.2008 UCP candidates in Minsk Drop Out

Today the United Civic party held a press conference, where its candidates who run in Minsk claimed they dropped out of the race.

19.09.2008 Barysau: voters do not attend meetings with uncontested candidates

Vasil Huryanau, CEO of Barysaukhlebpram state factory and candidate in Barysau rural district # 63, had to postpone or cancel his meetings with voters many times. The meetings which he managed to hold could hardly be called crowded.

19.09.2008 Babruisk: “Dirty” methods used against candidate

Independent candidate Alena Miadzvedzeva who runs in Babruisk-Leninskaya district # 78 became another victim of the “writers” from the city administration. With the “noble“ purpose to “tell the truth about the candidate”, Siamion Piatrouski, author of the article “Wrong Example for Imitation”, tells the readers about her family problems.

19.09.2008 Vitebsk: District division misleads voters

Many times human rights defenders addressed the Central Election Commission about publishing of precinct election commission addressed not according to the rayon, but according to the election district division. Every time they received only formal replies. In their statements the human rights defenders indicated that not only the voters, but also members of district and precinct election commissions cannot figure out, to which election district a certain precinct belongs, and gave numerous examples of that. CEC members claimed the problem is far-fetched. However, the practice has shown, the problem does exist in reality. Let us give you the registered facts.

19.09.2008 Brest: No BPF members remain in precinct election commissions

Only one BPF member was included in precinct election commissions of Brest. Now the party has not representatives in the commissions.

19.09.2008 Baranavichy: OSCE observers saved the situation

The security of Atlant plant in Baranavichy, refused to let agents of candidate Mikalai Charnavus to attend the meeting of this candidate with the plant workers. They also refused to let Aleh Pashko, candidate in a neighboring district, to come to the meeting. In the end, the plant director allowed everyone to come to the plant territory because quite unexpectedly the international OSCE observers arrived. The meeting took place although the number of workers who attended it was not very big.

19.09.2008 Vitebsk region: did the governor go on leave for the campaign period?

Article 77 of the Election Code demands: candidates to the Chamber of Representatives are to be dispensed from their official duties from the day of registration to the Election Day without keeping their salary.

However, Uladzimir Andreichanka, candidate in Hlybokaye district # 22, seems to ignore the Election Code.

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