News for 28 Sep 2008

28.09.2008 Preparation to closed passing of protocols to constituency commissions

Brest The head of the electoral commission of Brest-Tsentralnaya constituency #2 said to a member of the electoral commission Ryhor Bakiyevich that he would not be admitted during receiving of the protocols of precinct commissions about the results of voting.

28.09.2008 Malaryta: Seal at ballot box looks different

Observer Uladzimir Malei has registered the fact of change of the seal at the ballot box for early votes at polling staion #65 of Brest-Mukhavetskaya electoral constituency #65.

28.09.2008 Sample ballots contain peculiar ‘hints’

At some precincts the sample ballots are more than simple examples of filling these papers. In fact, citizens are ‘prompted’ for who they should vote. The matter is that the voting marks are put opposite non-real surnames that are similar to the surnames of the deputies of the Chamber of Representatives and pro-governmental candidates.

28.09.2008 Slutsk district: police help people to vote for ‘right man’

Today the coordinator of election monitoring in Minsk oblast Mikalai Pakhabau voiced a number of registered violations of the electoral legislation.

28.09.2008 Svetlahorsk: proxies of democratic candidate are taken to police station

On 27 September in Svetlahorsk the proxies of the democratic candidate Siarhei Daineka were guarded to the police station. Moreover, the police examined the private apartment of one of them.

28.09.2008 Hrodna: candidate Kuzmianok disappeared from list of electors

A unique precedent has been registered today at one of Hrodna precincts. When Siarhei Kuzmianok, a candidate running at Hrodna-Zaniomanskaya electoral constituency, came to the precinct to vote, he found that he and his family were not included in the electors’ list. Siarhei states that he has voted there for 15 years already, at different elections, but now his apartment ‘disappeared’ from the list of electors.

28.09.2008 Hrodna: precinct commissions refuse to give information

At some precincts of Hrodna-Tsentralnaya electoral constituency members of precinct commissions refused to give information about the results of early voting. In particular, the head of precinct commission #18 situated in Hroda State technical college #49 twice ignored the direct order of a representative of the constituency electoral commission to give such information. A similar situation could be observed at polling stations #4 and #41. The information was received by observers only after insistent calls to the constituency commission.

28.09.2008 Observer from Vitsebsk oblast executive committee gives orders to head of commission

Six observers received registration at polling station #53 of Vitsebsk-Chkalauskaya electoral constituency #18. One of them is a candidate’s proxy, the rest represent the state organs. There are no special places for observers at the polling station. None of the observers attended the sealing of the ballot box today.

28.09.2008 Vitsebsk: observers will ‘watch’ their boss

Seven observers have received registration at polling station #52 of Vitsebsk-Chkalauskaya electoral constituency #18. Five of them represent the state organs: Vitsebsk city executive committee, the district education department, the district committee of the official trade union, the district soviet of veterans and the Belarusian Republican Youth Union (BRSM). Two more are representatives of the working collective and the trade union organization of the open stock company Malako (Milk). It is quite interesting that the electoral commission, the work of which they will allegedly watch has been formed from workers of the same company, and their boss, Nina Shubina, is the head of the commission.

28.09.2008 Night detentions in Navapolatsk

On 27 September at 10.30 pm in the Econom shop in Navapolatsk the police detained the members of BPF Youth Andrei Halavyryn, Mikalai Novikau, Viktoryia Shtukar and Aliaksei Trubkin. The detainees were guarded to Navapolatsk district police department and kept there for about three hours. At first the policemen stated that they reminded of the people who were wanted for taking away people’s mobile phones.

28.09.2008 Minsk: ballots are printed on Xerox in front of observer’s eyes

According to the information, received from an observer of the Belarusian Popular Front Party, during his visit to constituency electoral commission #108 a colonel (most probably, the head of a precinct commission) came to the commission and told its head, M.Botsian, that they were short of ballots. 107 ballots were printed on Xerox machine. The man demonstratively told the head of the commission to compose and act that the ballots were printed.


On 29 September (Monday) at 1 p.m. a press conference of human rights activists will take place at the office of the republican human rights NGO Belarusian Helsinki Committee. The results of the monitoring of the campaign on elections to the Chamber of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus of the fourth convocation will be voiced there.

28.09.2008 Vitsebsk: ‘mismatches’ in seals and numbers

Precinct #79 at Vitsebsk-Kastrychnitskaya electoral constituency #20. According to the information of the observers 470 (23,65%) of voters voted during the five days of early voting, whereas according to the information of the electoral commission – 579 (29,13%). It is quite interesting, that the numbers of the observer and of the commission are the same for the four first days, but on the fifth day the difference is 109.

28.09.2008 Baranavichy: members of electoral commissions from United Civil Party may not see the counting of votes

On 26 September the sittings of the electoral commissions of Baranavichy-Western constituency #5 and Baranavichy village constituency #7 took place. There the technical issues of the work on the last day of the elections were considered. The members of the United Civil Party Anzhalika Kambalava and Yan Savitski work in these commissions.

28.09.2008 International observers will be given information, domestic ones will be not

On 26 September a sitting of Mazyr electoral constituency commission #42 took place. The commission adopted a ruling, according to which information will be given only to international observers, not to domestic ones. The commission’s secretary Veranika Ulasevich said that the Electoral Code had no enumeration of the information that could be demanded by observers and candidates’ proxies, that’s why such a ruling was absolutely legal.

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