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Observer from Vitsebsk oblast executive committee gives orders to head of commission

2008 2008-09-28T14:11:11+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Six observers received registration at polling station #53 of Vitsebsk-Chkalauskaya electoral constituency #18.  One of them is a candidate’s proxy, the rest represent the state organs. There are no special places for observers at the polling station. None of the observers attended the sealing of the ballot box today.

A journalist asked the head of the commission to give information about the number of electors who had voted early and about the number of the registered observers. An ‘observer’ from Vitsebsk oblast executive committee demanded that the journalist showed his documents and ordered the head of the commission not to give any information to him.

The polling station is situated in two rooms. 41% of voters (1054) voted early there.

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