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Vitsebsk: ‘mismatches’ in seals and numbers

2008 2008-09-28T13:25:12+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Precinct #79 at Vitsebsk-Kastrychnitskaya electoral constituency #20. According to the information of the observers 470 (23,65%) of voters voted during the five days of early voting, whereas according to the information of the electoral commission – 579 (29,13%). It is quite interesting, that the numbers of the observer and of the commission are the same for the four first days, but on the fifth day the difference is 109.

In the evening of 26 September the doors of the room for storing the ballot boxes for early voting were sealed with a strip with the signatures of three members of the electoral commissions, but in the morning there was a strip with only one signature.

At precinct #61 of Vitsebsk-Horki electoral constituency #17 the slit of the ballot box for early voting was sealed with a sheet of paper with the aid of plasticine. This sheet was signed only by the observer and was used during all five days. After the end of the early voting it was sealed by a sheet of paper with the signatures of the members of the electoral commission, and a sealing wax stamp.

On 27 September in the evening nobody answered the phones in constituency electoral commissions #18, #19, #20 and #21 and there were no lights in the windows of their offices. All information from polling stations was passed directly to district executive committees.

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