News for July 2008

15.07.2008 Vitsebsk oblast: district electoral commissions were formed in half-closed regime

In Vitsebsk oblast the formation of the district commission on elections to the Chamber of Representatives took place in half-closed regime. Non-state journalists and common people were not admitted to the joint sitting of Vitsebsk oblast executive committee and the presidium of Vitsebsk oblast soviet of deputies at which the commission were formed. The police guards had two lists of persons: the list of participants of the sitting and the list of those who were allowed presence at it. The second list included representatives of state mass media: journalists for Vitsebsk oblast TV and radio committee, BelTA information agency and the editions of Vitsebsk oblast executive committee and Vitsebsk oblast soviet of deputies – Vitsebski Rabochy and Narodnaye Slova respectively.

15.07.2008 Polatsk: ‘Strong parliament is the fundament of political stability, social welfare and progress’

During the last weeks the obligatory ‘informational assemblies’ on the topic ‘Strong parliament is the fundament of political stability, social welfare and progress ‘ have been held in the working collectives of Polatsk. These actions were ordered by Polatsk city executive committee. In some of the collectives the ‘lectures’ were read by representatives of the executive committees and in some its text was read by the administration.

15.07.2008 Barysau: early agitation on the radio

On 14 and 15 July in Barysau the radio broadcasted the address of the plenum of the republican soviet of the Belarusian association of veterans, to all veterans and electors, which had been adopted in connection with preparation and holding of the elections to the Chamber of Representatives of the National Assembly.

15.07.2008 Ales Krauchenia is fired from Baranavichy State University

A week ago the administration of Baranavichy State University issued the order for expulsion of the student Ales Krauchenia from the fifth year of the faculty of engineering. On 14 July the activist had to take his documents away from the university.

15.07.2008 Mahiliou: Uladzimir Yurchanka is deprived of position on ‘proposal’ of police officer

Uladzimir Yurchanka, head of Mahiliou Kastrychnitski district organization of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party Hramada, has lost his position of master builder at the construction administration of powermen Lavsanbud.

15.07.2008 Pavel Nazdra gets fined

On 14 July Pavel Nazdra, activist of the Young Front and the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party, was tried on suit of the military enlistment committee of Mazyr. Nazdra was accused of not having timely informed the military enlistment committee about his retirement from a job several years ago.

15.07.2008 Illia Bohdan: birthday behind bars

The member of the Belarusian Popular Front Party, human rights activist Illia Bohdan has to celebrate his 21st birthday behind bars. He is kept there on suspicion in relation to the 4 July blast in Minsk.

Polatsk: searches at oppositionists’ apartments continue

15.07.2008 Polatsk: searches at oppositionists’ apartments continue

In Polatsk the police burst into an apartment which was rented by activists of the underground organization Young Front.

15.07.2008 Riot police disperse action in support of arrested public activists. Anatol Liabedzka is beaten

On 14 July an action demanding to release opposition activists, unlawfully arrested after the blast in Minsk on 4 July, was dispersed at Kastrychnitskaya Square in Minsk. More than 50 people came to the square with portraits of political prisoners, and unfurled national Belarusian and EU flags. More than 100 riot policemen were thrown against the participants of the action.

15.07.2008 Human rights activists for free elections: there are no changes in forming of electoral commissions this year

The forming of district commissions on election to the Chamber of Representatives of the Republic of Belarus is over. According to the elections’ schedule which was adopted by a ruling of the Central Commission of the Republic of Belarus on elections and republican referenda, the nomination of representatives to district electoral commissions was to start 26 June and end not later than 11 July.

14.07.2008 District electoral commissions are formed in Brest oblast

On 14 July Brest oblast executive committee and the presidium of Brest oblast soviet of deputies held a joint sitting on forming of district electoral commissions. 16 district electoral commissions were formed.

14.07.2008 Mahiliou: observers of democratic parties and organizations are trying to get to first sittings of district electoral commissions

In Mahiliou the authorities do not accept the minutes for nomination of observers from Mahiliou human rights center, the Belarusian Popular Front Party, the Party of Communists Belarusian and Mahiliou city charitable organization Otklik. As a result the observers cannot get to the first sittings of the electoral commissions.

‘Chemical’ version for Minsk blast?

14.07.2008 ‘Chemical’ version for Minsk blast?

In 2007 the Belarusian mass media wrote that on 31 May 2007 a blast took place in the apartment of a 21-year-old student. The student got numerous injuries of palms, right foot and thigh, traumatic shock and fractures. In particular, such information was distributed by BelaPAN, Nasha Niva and some other media, (including with reference to the main police department of Minsk city executive committee.

14.07.2008 Hrodna: district electoral commissions are formed secretly

The joint sitting of Hrodna oblast executive committee and Hrodna oblast soviet of deputies was to have taken place at 10 a.m. on 14 July, but when representatives of parties, NGos and press came to the specified place, the sitting was already over and the composition of the commission has been already announced.

14.07.2008 Astravets district: police show interest to youth activist Yahor Krasnou in connection with Minsk blast

On 9 July two policemen came to the activist of the United Civil Party Yahor Astravetski’s home. As the activist was absent, they asked his mother, A.Vitkouskaya about his whereabouts on 3-4 July and all ten days before it, in connection with the terrorist act in Minsk. They had quite a large list of suspects in their hands.

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