News for June 2008

04.06.2008 Film from Bahusheuskaya tuberculosis hospital passed to State Control Committee

While Adryian Bokhan, had of the financial investigations department of the State Control Committee, was accepting citizens at Talochyn district executive committee, Mikalai Piatrushenka, correspondent of the Narodnaya Volia newspaper, passed to him a CD with a film concerning the unsatisfactory dwelling conditions at Bahusheuskaya tuberculosis hospital.

04.06.2008 Viachaslau Siwchyk detained after memorial action in Kurapaty forest

On 3 June in the evening representative of the democratic movement installed a memorial shield on one of the mass graves where the remains of 62 persons, shot by Stalin’s chastisers in the 1930-ies.

04.06.2008 Open letter of Human Rights House Foundation in support of human rights defender Leanid Svetsik

The Human Rights House Foundation is concerned about the harassment of the human rights defender Leanid Svetsik. On Friday, 23 May 2008 three KGB officers burst into Svetsik’s apartment in Vitebsk. The following search lasted for nine hours and was directed by the senior lieutenant of the KGB. During the search, the KGB confiscated Svetsik’s computer, human rights related printed material and a certificate from the Council of Europe. After the search, Svetsik was brought to the KGB office of Vitebsk region where he was interrogated for more than two hours. The interrogation was videotaped.

04.06.2008 State officials speak for increased control over internet

Aleh Praliaskouski, director of the Informational Analytical Center at the Presidential Administration, insists on ‘strengthening of responsibility for wrongful information on the Internet’. The official said it in an interview to the Belaruskaya Dumka magazine.

04.06.2008 Kurapaty: 20 years after discovery

On 3 June 1988 the Belarusians learnt the truth about Stalin’s repressions in the country through an article Kurapaty –the Road of Death in the Litaratura i Mastatstva newspaper, written by Zianon Pazniak and Yauhen Shmyhaliou. This article also provoked one of the first mass protest action in the USSR – people came to Kurapaty on Dziady (the day of the dead).

04.06.2008 Salihorsk: ‘Young Front’ activist Ivan Shyla expelled from school. Schoolmaster quits to protest

The educational department of Salihorsk executive committee has reached an illegal decision to expel a leader of the Young Front Ivan Shyla from secondary school #4 of Salihorsk.

04.06.2008 Draftees are required to tell their political affiliation

The General Staff of Armed Forces of Belarus has started illegal actions against draftees. By decree of the General Staff #243 a questionnaire is to be filled in by young people drafted into the army. One of the questionnaire’s questions is about the party affiliation of parents and political views of the recruit himself, Radio Racyja informs.

03.06.2008 Valery Shchukin: police torturers on the dock

The first summer month of 2008 in Vitsebsk was marked by an unheard trial (at least for the author of this article). It was the first time for the twelve years of acquaintance with the court instances when I was at a trial which was lead by the head of the court and the state accusation was represented by prosecutor in person.

03.06.2008 Memorial crosses to victims of Stalinism demolished in Barysau

30 May in Barysau, on the territory of batteries, a fortification monument of the 19th century, the memorial crosses to the victims of Stalin’s repressions and the leader of the anti-Bolshevik resistance Yurka Monich, were demolished.

03.06.2008 United democratic forces have formed list of candidates to constituency election commissions

The united democratic forces have formed the list of candidates to constituency election commissions. Such prominent activists as the former speakers of the Supreme Soviet Mechyslau Hryb and Stanislau Shushkevich, the former ministers Pavel Kazlouski and Aliaksandr Sasnou, former deputies, heads of city councils of deputies, etc. were included in this list. The BelaPAN reminds that the Central Election Commission has declined the draft laws which were prepared by the united democratic forces for democratization of the electoral process. Now the united democratic forces demand that their candidates should be included in the election commissions.

03.06.2008 Polatsk: court abolishes fines to 'Young Front' activists

As Katsiaryna Salauyova, head of Polatsk branch of the Young Front, has learned, she and the youth activist Ales Krutkin will not have to pay the fines of 1 050 000 rubles, to which they were sentenced on 20 May in Vushachy for distribution of printed editions without issue data (Article 22.9 of the Administrative Code).

03.06.2008 Court refuses to consider Liabedzka’s suit against foreign travel restrictions

Tsentralny district court of Minsk has refused to consider the suit filed by Anatol Liabedzka, chairman of the United Civil Party, against the foreign travel restrictions, imposed on him by the state organs.

03.06.2008 Picket against repeal of benefits for children in Brest

1 June about thirty activists of Brest opposition held a picket in honor of the International Children’s Day. The picket was organized by the local coalition of the united democratic forces and lasted since 4 till 5 p.m. The aim of the action was drawing the public attention to the repeal of the social benefits for children as a result of the enforcement of the law On the state social benefits, right and guarantees for certain categories of citizens in 2007. The action participants also installed a stand with information about this issue.

03.06.2008 Human rights activist Siarhei Rusetski appeals against sentence

Siarhei Rusetski, member of the BPF Party and human rights activist from Biaroza, has directed a cassation complaint to Brest oblast court. In his complaint Rusetski asks the court to reverse the verdict of Ala Zialionka, judge of Biaroza district court of 21 May, by which he was issued an official warning for participation in the Candle of Memory action, dated to the anniversary of the Chernobyl accident.

03.06.2008 Hrodna: no state registration for Hrodna oblast BSDH branch

Viktar Sazonau, chairman of Hrodna oblast branch of the Belarusian Social Democratic Hramada (headed by Stanislau Shushkevich) has received a letter from the local justice department.

June 2008

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