News on the topic: human rights defenders

On required actions of the international community in connection with the case of prisoner of conscience Ales Bialiatski

26.09.2013 On required actions of the international community in connection with the case of prisoner of conscience Ales Bialiatski

Statement by the International Observation Mission of the Committee on International Control over the Human Rights Situation in Belarus

Amnesty Netherlands visit Belarusian embassy to celebrate Ales Bialiatski's birthday

26.09.2013 Amnesty Netherlands visit Belarusian embassy to celebrate Ales Bialiatski's birthday

On Ales Bialiatski’s birthday, the Dutch section of Amnesty paid a visit to the Belarus Embassy in The Hague, presenting its staff with a special birthday cake, and thousands of new signatures demanding freedom for Ales. Amnesty activists also gifted the Embassy with a package of fresh fruit and vegetables, reminding the Belarusian authorities of their ICESCR obligation to ensure fulfillment of the right of persons in detention to the highest attainable standard of mental and physical health.

Hrodna court confirms picket ban

24.09.2013 Hrodna court confirms picket ban

Judge Zhanna Krauchanka of Hrodna Leninski District Court upheld yesterday a ban on holding a picket in support of Ales Bialiatski, following two and a half hours of examination of a complaint lodged by local human rights defenders, Viktar Sazonau, Uladzimir Khilmanovich and Raman Yurhel, to challenge the decision of the city executive committee.

Karim Lahidji: The principle of non-interference is a fig leaf covering inaction

20.09.2013 Karim Lahidji: The principle of non-interference is a fig leaf covering inaction

The president of the International Federation for Human Rights is convinced that the situations of Iran and Belarus are similar.

Biaroza court confirms picket ban

19.09.2013 Biaroza court confirms picket ban

The court of Biaroza district considered yesterday a joint complaint by human rights defenders Siarhei Rusetski and Tamara Shchapiotkina, as well as civil society activist Tatsiana Tarasevich. They asked the court to reverse a ban imposed by the district executive committee on a demonstration of solidarity with political prisoners scheduled for August 4, as well as to recognize a violation of terms of replying (instead of July 30, as required by law, the reply was sent to the applicants on August 2).

Uladzimir Labkovich’s trial adjourned

18.09.2013 Uladzimir Labkovich’s trial adjourned

The Court of Minsk’s Savetski district considered today the administrative charges brought against human rights defender Uladzimir Labkovich for alleged illegal picketing on August 5. However, the Judge ruled to adjourn the trial to September 30, after the key witness for the prosecution, policeman Smaliak, failed to appear in the courtroom.

Homel human rights defender demands compensation for four illegal administrative penalties

17.09.2013 Homel human rights defender demands compensation for four illegal administrative penalties

Homel human rights defender Leanid Sudalenka filed a lawsuit to Tsentralny District Court to demand moral damages in the amount of 29 million rubles from head of the Chief Finance Department of Homel region. He also asks to recover court fees and the administrative penalty of 600,000 rubles.

Human Rights Defenders Discuss Violations of Human Rights in Belarus with Dutch Officials

16.09.2013 Human Rights Defenders Discuss Violations of Human Rights in Belarus with Dutch Officials

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the Netherlands Helsinki Committee (NHC) invited a delegation of Belarusian and Russian human rights defenders to raise issues regarding the systematic violation of human rights in Belarus with Dutch officials.

Hrodna human rights defenders get summonsed to court

09.09.2013 Hrodna human rights defenders get summonsed to court

Hrodna human rights defenders Uladzimir Khilmanovich and Viktar Sazonau received summons to the Leninski District Court of Hrodna. Most probably, this is a reaction to the appeal against actions of the Hrodna City Executive Committee, filed by them and one more human rights defender, Raman Yurhel.

Homel human rights defenders appeal non-implementation of the Law “On Mass Events” at prosecutor's office

09.09.2013 Homel human rights defenders appeal non-implementation of the Law “On Mass Events” at prosecutor's office

Homel human rights defenders Anatol Paplauny and Leanid Sudalenka have applied to the prosecutor of the Homel region concerning the non-implementation of the Law “On Mass Events”.

Minsk City Court doesn't grant Uladzimir Labkovich's appeal

02.09.2013 Minsk City Court doesn't grant Uladzimir Labkovich's appeal

Minsk City Court dismissed the cassation appeal of the human rights activist Uladzimir Labkovich against the fine of 3 million rubles, imposed on him by the Savetski District Court of Minsk. his conviction by a court of the Soviet district of Minsk 3,000,000 rubles fine.

Minsk City Court rejects appeal by Tatsiana Reviaka

27.08.2013 Minsk City Court rejects appeal by Tatsiana Reviaka

The Minsk City Court considered today an appeal by human rights defender Tatsiana Reviaka lodged to contest a three million rubles fine handed down on her on August 6. As a result, Judge Aliaksei Bychko upheld the decision of Savetski District Court, dismissing the complaint.

Ales Bialiatski shortlisted for Vaclav Havel Human Rights Prize

27.08.2013 Ales Bialiatski shortlisted for Vaclav Havel Human Rights Prize

The imprisoned leader of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” Ales Bialiatski has been shortlisted for the Václav Havel Human Rights Prize, along with two more nominees: the Georgian Young Lawyers' Association and the Rights Defense Network (China).

Appeals by Viasna human rights defenders to be considered on 27 and 31 August

22.08.2013 Appeals by Viasna human rights defenders to be considered on 27 and 31 August

Appeals of human rights defenders representing the Human Rights Center "Viasna", Tatsiana Reviaka and Uladzimir Labkovich, against the verdict of the Savetski District Court of Minsk are expected to be considered by the Minsk City Court on 27 August and 31 August, respectively. The human rights defenders are appealing a fine of 3 million rubles each for alleged violating the Code on Administrative Offences (Art. 23.34 – “illegal picketing”).

Supreme Court considers Homel courts incompetent

22.08.2013 Supreme Court considers Homel courts incompetent

For nearly a year, from August 2012 to the present day, Mazyr human rights defender Uladzimir Tseliapun was seeking justice in the courts of Homel region to appeal a decision of Mazyr District Executive Committee "On Mass Events", arguing that the decision is not consistent with the law and violates the rights of citizens, the implementation of which are guaranteed by the Constitution.

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