News on the topic: torture

15 “police victims” won’t be dismissed from work

06.04.2011 15 “police victims” won’t be dismissed from work

This is the answer given to Dzmitry Salauyou, Chair of the Mahiliou regional organization of the Belarusian Popular Front Adradzhenne by A.Lukomski, commander of the special mission police regiment of the Main Police Department of the Minsk City Executive Committee.

Raman Kisliak addresses Prosecutor General

01.04.2011 Raman Kisliak addresses Prosecutor General

Brest lawyer and human activist filed two similar complaints – one with the Prosecutor General and the other with the prosecutor of the Leninski district of Brest. He demands to draw to legal account a duty policeman of the Leninski District Police Department, Ivan Kalita.

Brest human rights defender makes local detention center employ female staff

21.03.2011 Brest human rights defender makes local detention center employ female staff

Brest human rights defender Raman Kisliak received a reply from Leninski District Police Department, confirming the presence of female employees on staff of the local detention center, following a complaint by local resident Inha Abramava submitted to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.

Ales Bialiatski’s appeal put in inspection file on Mikhalevich’s torture report

21.03.2011 Ales Bialiatski’s appeal put in inspection file on Mikhalevich’s torture report

On 17 March, spokesman of the General Prosecutor’s Office told the media that the prosecuting authorities were inspecting the allegations of torture reported by former presidential candidate Ales Mikhalevich and a number of other KGB prisoners.

16.03.2011 Information about tortures to be checked by Military Prosecutor Office

The General Prosecutor’s Office has sent the appeal lodged by human rights defender Ales Bialiatski there. It is connected with the fact Ales Mihalevich made public.

10.03.2011 Relatives of Aliaksandr Klaskouski address procuracy in connection with the use of torture towards him and other KGB prisoners

Ludmila and Volha Klavskouskis, mother and sister of Aliaksandr Klaskouski who is kept in the KGB jail on charges of involvement in the riots on 19 December, addressed the Prosecutor General, Ryhor Vasilevich.

04.03.2011 A result of torture? Political prisoner Bulanau has swollen legs and aching joints

Relatives of political prisoners started interpreting the information they receive from the KGB prison in a different way after a shocking confession of ex-presidential candidate Aliaksei Mikhalevich about being tortured in the KGB prison.

28.02.2011 Ales Bialiatski urges Prosecutor General to investigate torture reports

Ales Bialiatski, vice-president of the International Federation for Human Rights and chair of the Human Rights Center “Viasna”, has addressed Belarusian Prosecutor General Ryhor Vasilevich with a demand to investigate the alleged torture facts reported by former presidential candidate Ales Mikhalevich in his statement for the media on 28 February.

28.02.2011 Ales Mihalevich tears KGB cooperation agreement asunder

The former presidential candidate has called the KGB prison a concentration camp where prisoners are tortured in the centre of Minsk.

Sleep deprivation torture in Valadarski Street jail

14.02.2011 Sleep deprivation torture in Valadarski Street jail

Cell #69 houses 13 persons, whereas usually 22-24 inmates are kept there at once. As a result, they have to sleep in turn. However, the people who get in the cell aren't included in the 'sleeping queue' for the first two days.

10.01.2011 Journalist Andrei Pachobut beaten by Hrodna KGB

Andrei Pachobut, a journalist for Gazeta Wyborcza and a popular Belarusian blogger, was detained by special task forces in Hrodna on 8 January, guarded to a KGB department, and beaten by KGB officers at the questioning.

Offender of Rymasheuski’s electioneering agent comes off clear

13.12.2010 Offender of Rymasheuski’s electioneering agent comes off clear

The bully who tore away the campaign posters that were displayed in the authorized locations and tried to beat Vital Rymasheuski’s electioneering agent Valeryia Charnamortsava, was detained over a week ago, but still hasn’t been brought to a trial. Itself the victim this time not only not invited to the court of the Soviet district of the capital, which must review the case, but also to hide from her name forward.

Hrodna region: assaults on members of Niakliayeu's team

13.12.2010 Hrodna region: assaults on members of Niakliayeu's team

Two assaults on activists of the electoral team of candidate Niakliayeu have been registered these days.

07.12.2010 Beating of activist of Niakliayeu’s campaign

A stranger attacked a volunteer near a picket of the presidential candidate Uladzimir Niakliayeu.

06.12.2010 Vitsebsk: members of electoral team of Ales Mikhalevich threatened with beating

According to Ales Halavan, he and other members of Mikhalevich’s team face obstacles while handing leaflets to passers-by. In particular, they were expelled from the territory of the shopping center Evicom by its guards who stated that the activists had no right to hand out leaflets there and needed to apply to the presidential administration for permission.

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