News on the topic: torture

Kanstantsin Zhukouski released after 10-days arrest

05.10.2010 Kanstantsin Zhukouski released after 10-days arrest

Oct. 4 October the member of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Kanstantsin Zhukouski was released from the pre-trial prison of the Petrykau District Police Department.

13.09.2010 Riot police accused of beating teachers

The Vitsebsk procuracy is looking for witnesses of the incident that happened during the closure of the Slavonic Bazaar festival last year. Three teachers allege having been groundlessly beaten by officers of the Minsk riot police who ‘secured the public order’ in Vitsebsk during the festival.

08.09.2010 Two Kobryn entrepreneurs allege being beaten by KGB officer

The Kobryn entrepreneurs Andrei Fedasiuk and Viachaslau Kuryshka applied to the Brest law enforcement officers for assistance.

Procuracy sees no reasons to bring a criminal case concerning beating of Zmitser Parmon

27.07.2010 Procuracy sees no reasons to bring a criminal case concerning beating of Zmitser Parmon

Zmitser Parmon, an activist of the BPF Youth, has received from the Tsentralny District Procuracy of Minsk an answer to his request to bring a criminal case against the policemen who had beaten him during the detention on 27 May.

Minsk: detentions and beating at action dated to 20th anniversary of Sovereignty Declaration

27.07.2010 Minsk: detentions and beating at action dated to 20th anniversary of Sovereignty Declaration

The action was held in Yakub Kolas Square in central Minsk and was attended by about 20 activists.

Guy François Toukam: I wanted to kill myself after 40 days in Akrestsin jail

23.07.2010 Guy François Toukam: I wanted to kill myself after 40 days in Akrestsin jail

In his interview to the European Radio for Belarus Guy François Toukam told about the conditions in the Minsk jail, beating, prison food, racist jokes of cellmates and also noted having to pay $250 for 1,5 months of the ‘rest’ in Akrestsin Street.

Artur Finkevich hospitalized after assault

09.07.2010 Artur Finkevich hospitalized after assault

Artur Finkevich and Aliaksandr Lykshyn were going to the central office of the Belarusian Popular Front along Masherau Avenue in Minsk. Suddently, several people ran towards them, sprayed an unknown liquid in Artur's eyes and knocked him down.

06.07.2010 Mahiliou: trial concerning cruel treatment of activist of ‘Speak Truth’

On 5 July, the Leninski District Court of Mahiliou started considering the complaint of Aksana Samuilava, a volunteer of the Speak Truth civil campaign, who accused the chief guard of the Mahilou factory Liftmash of infliction of bodily injuries to her.

Beaten youth activist demands a criminal case be instigated against policemen

03.06.2010 Beaten youth activist demands a criminal case be instigated against policemen

On 27 May, the police violently dispersed a bicycle rally organized by activists of the BPF Youth. Several participants of the action were detained and beaten. One of them, Zmitser Parmon, was taken to clinical hospital #6 with fracture of a clavicle.

01.06.2010 'BPF Youth' activists apply to procuracy concerning their beating by police

Two BPF Youth activists, Franak Viachorka and Zmitser Parmon, addressed the procuracy in order to find out the names of riot policemen who had beaten them during the detention.

10.03.2010 Slutsk dweller beaten by police

A man nearly died in a detention facility in the town of Slutsk. Policemen claim the detainee fell down the stairs, but the nature of injuries contradicts the claims.

02.03.2010 Tatsiana Shaputska lodged claim against Belarusian State University

The Young Front activist appeals against her unlawful expulsion from the university. According to the information given by Tatsiana in an interview to the ERB, she lodged the claim on 28 February with the Maskouski district court in Minsk.

19.02.2010 Human rights defenders insist on negotiations with administration of law-enforcement agencies

On 19 February, members of the Belarusian human rights organizations and movements submitted to the heads of different law-enforcement agencies a written request to enter proposals concerning the format, time and place of negotiations and delegate their representatives for participation in them.

19.02.2010 Law machinery wouldn’t discuss beatings of participants of mass actions

Belarusian human rights activists planned to discuss illegitimate repressive actions against civil society with regime representatives.

18.02.2010 Pressurization of opposition activists detained on 14 February

The Young Front activists who have taken part in an action on Freedom square on St. Valentine’s Day on 14 February are pressurized at and in education establishments.

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