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'BPF Youth' activists apply to procuracy concerning their beating by police

2010 2010-06-01T17:43:59+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Two BPF Youth activists, Franak Viachorka and Zmitser Parmon, addressed the procuracy in order to find out the names of riot policemen who had beaten them during the detention.

On 27 May, about ten activists of BPF Youth planned a bike ride dedicated to Maksim Bahdanovich. It was to start near Minsk-Hero City monument and ride to the monument of the poet. However, three persons were detained by riot policemen in mufti. In the car Zmitser Parmon's clavicle was fractured, RFE/RL informs.

Franak Viachorka addresses the Procuracy concerning the degree of beating he had undergone. According experts' examination, he has swellings from blows on his legs and arms. Experts have even made a conclusion that the blows were received by the young man on 27 May at about 6.30 p.m.

Bear in mind that after the harsh detention the guys were beaten in the car by people in mufti. According to testimony of Franak and Zmitser, they had been forced to sit on the floor, were beaten by fists, kicked, and even beaten by seats' armpads.

When Franak received a document from medical examiners and asked to find out who were the persons who acted this way, he was told that they were unknown persons.

‘I demonstrated to the policeman who questioned me photos of the people who had been beating and detaining me. He swore that those people had nothing to do with police and the Tsentralny District Police Department. But it is very strange that people who had been beating us, took us to the police department, not to some other place, and felt at home,’ Viachorka said.

Zmitser Parmon said that after he said to the unknown that his clavicle was broken, one of them delivered several blows to him. On the next day after admitting to hospital Zmitser was visited by a policeman who asked about the details of the case.

All the previous attempts to bring riot policemen to justice proved futile.

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