News on the topic: criminal prosecution

14.12.2007 Homel Oblast UCP Office Searched again

At about 12.20 a.m. four workers of Homel oblast KGB office came to the private house where Homel city branch of the United Civil Party rents an office.

11.12.2007 Prisoner Nikolay Kostyshev Announces REPEATED Hunger-strike in Minsk Jail #1

According to the relatives of the citizen of Russian Federation, prisoner Nikolay Kostyshev, on 25 October 2007 he had to announce a REPEATED hunger-strike, because for two days already he cannot get justified, despite the numerous violations of the Belarusian laws during the investigation and his innocence. Though Kostyshev announced a hunger-strike before and sent a number of addresses to the prosecutor’s office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he received no answers.

Politicial Prisoner Finkevich to Be Tried on 20 December

11.12.2007 Politicial Prisoner Finkevich to Be Tried on 20 December

According to the information of Mahiliou human rights activist Barys Bukhel, the consideration of the criminal case against Artur Finkevich was appointed on 20 December. The trial will start at 10.30 a.m. The court has directed to Mahiliou state university a request to provide an interpreter into Belarusian.

06.12.2007 Salihorsk: Activists interrogated on New Criminal Case against Ivan Shyla

By 7 December Salihorsk prosecutor’s office must finish the check-up on a criminal case against Ivan Shyla. Bear in mind that on 7 December the youth activists of Salihorsk held the action ‘Put Communism to Tribunal’ and were detained by the police, who used force. Later an administrative commission gave to them small fines. A criminal case was brought against the youth leader Ivan Shyla. He is charged with ‘resistance to the police’. He says that it is impossible to ‘resist’ with one’s arms twisted.

05.12.2007 Polatsk: Katsiaryna Salauyova Expelled from Polatsk State University

Today the official order for Katsyaryna Salauyova’s expulsion from Polatsk State University has been signed. The activist’s group mates began to gather signatures in her support.

14.11.2007 Human Rights Activists Demand to Abolish Forced State Assignment of Graduates

This year 65 criminal cases have been brought against the high school graduates who failed to get to the places of work assignment. The present legislation treats such behavior as evasion from duties and demands from the people to pay off the costs that had been already spent by the state for their education. The numbers differ, but in general it is about 3-5 thousand US dollars, the average wage being about 200 dollars.

12.11.2007 18 Months of Corrective Labor for Seminar in Poland

An activist of the Belarusian Popular Front Party, a teacher from the village of Talka Natallia Illinich was tried for ‘instigation for falsification of documents’ and sentenced to 18 months of corrective labor with paying 20% of salary to the state.

09.11.2007 Yaraslau Hryshchenia Has Spine Fracture

Now Yaraslau Hryshchenia is in Dziarzhynsk hospital. The ambulance drove him there together with the driver of the minibus by which Hryshchenia was going to Baranavichy. The road was covered with ice. The car was running at 90km/h. Not far from Dziarzhynsk the car slipped to the median strip and then fell into a ditch.

08.11.2007 Revenge to Entrepreneur

On 6 November Maladzechna district court fined a local entrepreneur Mikalai Apiationak 3,1 million rubles.

08.11.2007 Trial of Zmitser Dashkevich Postponed to 9 November

On 6 November the trial of the leader of the Young Front Zmitser Dashkevich started in Shklou prison. At present Dashkevich is serving 18-month term for ‘activities on behalf of unregistered organization’ (article 193.1 of the Criminal Code). The criminal case that is being considered now has been brought against Dashkevich in August 2007 for refusal to testify against another member of the Young Front, Ivan Shyla, who was also charged with violation of article 193.1.

Salihorsk: Ivan Shyla Faces New Criminal Case?

08.11.2007 Salihorsk: Ivan Shyla Faces New Criminal Case?

The youth activist Ivan Shyla was detained on 7 November, during a picket in the main square of Salihorsk. Together with him the police detained several other action participants. While the district officials were lying flowers to the monument of Lenin seven persons unrolled the transparency ‘Put Communism to Tribunal’. The action lasted for 15 seconds only.

05.11.2007 Hunger Torture for Political Prisoner Andrei Klimau

The deputy of the Belarusian Supreme Council 13 collocation Andrei Klimau who serves a prison term for a political journalistic article is being starved in Mazyr high security correctional facility #20. Food is taken from him: pasta, potato mash, sausages, nuts, tea.

30.10.2007 Political Prisoner Dashkevich to Be Tried in Prison on November 6th

New trial over Dashkevich will take place behind bars

26.10.2007 Dashkevich Still Facing Additional Criminal Charges. Investigator Turns His Complaint Down

Rejected petition about dropping criminal charges against political prisoner Dashkevich will be considered in court

26.10.2007 Political Prisoner Artur Finkevich in Pre-Trial Detention Center Again

The Belarusian authorities continue to persecute democratic leaders who serve politically motivated prison terms

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