News on the topic: criminal prosecution

22.10.2007 Vindictive Lukashenka

Activist from Niasvizh was detained in 4.5 years on the charge of insult of Lukashenka. Alexander Kruty was hiding for over four years, but recently he has been detained. Now he is held in Zhodzina pre-trial center.

19.10.2007 Judge Kashkina to Try Zmitser Dashkevich

The case against Young Front leader Zmitser Dashkevich has been sent to Shklou district court. The activist who is already serving the sentence of 18 months, is facing another 6-month term.

11.10.2007 Andrei Klimau Sent to High Security Prison in Mazyr

A political prisoner Andrei Klimau has been sent to the high security prison in Mazyr. Since 10 October till lately he has been kept in an investigative isolator in Minsk.

10.10.2007 Criminal Persecution of Zmitser Dashkevich Is Aimed at Intimidation of Publicly Active Youth

Statement of Human Rights Center Viasna

The Belarusian authorities scorn the Constitution. Zmitser Dashkevich can receive up to six months of arrest for the use of the right not to testify against himself, which is guaranteed by the fundamental law.

08.10.2007 Supreme Court Upholds Non-registration of ?Young Front’

The Supreme Court has considered the appeal of the Young Front council against the refusal of the Ministry of Justice to register the organization because of alleged non-compliance of its charter with the legislation in the paragraphs concerning mass actions and participation of the Belarusian citizens who live abroad.

05.10.2007 Homel: Police Confiscate System Units from UCP Office

On 5 October in Homel the KGB workers searched the UCP office in Paleskaya Street. According to the chair of Homel city UCP office Andrei Tolchyn, the KGB workers confiscated all computer system units and Xerox machines.

27.09.2007 Ales Bialiatski: The trial and the verdict to Klimau are absurd.

Human rights defender Ales Bialiatski, vice-President of the International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH), condemns the shameful verdict and imprisonment of Belarusian politician and publicist Andrei Klimau.

25.09.2007 Criminal Case against Zmitser Dashkevich Instigated Month Ago

Alexander Haliyeu, advocate of the political prisoner Zmitser Dashkevich, found out the new criminal case against Zmitser Dashkevich was instigated more than a month ago, on August 14th.

25.09.2007 New Criminal Charges against Dashkevich

Now he is charged with refusal to give evidence (Article 402 of the Criminal Code).

20.09.2007 KGB Shows Interest to European March Preparations

Regional activists of Young Front are being summoned to KGB. They are warned about criminal responsibility for preparation and participation in the European March.

20.09.2007 Criminal Charges against Young Front Members in Zhlobin and Svetlahorsk

Another criminal case against activists of the unregistered organization Young Front was instigated in Homel region.

18.09.2007 Police and KGB Search Apartment of Young Front Member

Police and KGB officers are holding a search in the apartment of Kiryl Atamanchyk

13.09.2007 Oppositional activist, Deputy of Supreme Soviet of the 13th Convocation Andrei Klimau Sentenced to 2 years of High Security Prison for Web Publication

The prosecutor’s office and Tsentralny district court of Mink confirmed to the journalist Andrei Hruzdzilovich the information about the trial over Klimau. The trial started on 30 July 2007 and ended two days later, on 1 August. The verdict was issued by the judge Alena Iliina. Klimau’s wife, Tatsiana Leanovich-Klimava, was to take part in the trial as the public defender.

11.09.2007 Yaraslau Hryshchenia Fined about 432 US Dollars

On 11 September in Baranavichy the verdict to the activist of the Young Front Yaraslau Hryshchenia was read. The activist was charged under article 193.1 of the Criminal Code (activities on behalf of unregistered organization). The prosecutor asked to punish Yaraslau with 1 year of conditional imprisonment. However, the judge Vasil Petrykau ruled to fine the activist 930 000 Belarusian rubles (about 432 US dollars) and return to him the confiscated computer.

10.09.2007 Belarusian Authorities Hide Sentence to Klimau

In the evening of 7 September it became known that more than a month ago the political activist Andrei Klimau had been sentenced to 2 years of jail for alleged distribution of calls to coup d’etat through internet.

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