News on the topic: criminal prosecution

30.01.2008 Navumau threatens entrepreneurs with criminal cases

50 people may be brought to justice for participation in the unauthorized action held in Minsk on January 10th, Minister of internal affairs Uladzimir Navumau said.

24.01.2008 Aliaksandar Kruty found guilty and sent for treatment

Niasvizh court announced a verdict on the criminal case against Aliaksandar Kruty. He is found guilty of public insult of the president of the country (Article 368 of the Criminal Code). In conjunction with the fact that the actions of the defendant do not bear a big threat to the society, Aliaksandar Kruty was exempted from penalty, and the criminal case was stopped. During the investigation the defendant had to undergo forensic medical examination, which diagnosed Kruty with paranoid schizophrenia. The materials of the examination were sent to a medical institution for inpatient care.

23.01.2008 Katsiaryna Salauyeva expelled from university again

Young people are deprived of the right to education. Polatsak Young Front member Katsiaryna Salauyova has been expelled from university again.

18.01.2008 Ales Bialiatski: “Sentence to Alexander Zdzvizhkou is direct violation of the Constitution”

Minsk city court announced its verdict on the case against Alexander Zdzvizhkou, former deputy editor-in-chief of Zhoda newspaper. He was found guilty of violation of article 130 part 2 of the Criminal Code “inciting religious enmity” for reprinting caricatures of Prophet Mohammed. Zdzvizhkou received a sentence of three years of imprisonment in a medium security prison.

18.01.2008 Deputy editor-in-chief imprisoned for 3 years for caricatures of Muhammad

Minsk city court sentenced former editor-in-chief of Zhoda newspaper Alexander Zdzvizhkou to 3 years of imprisonment in a medium security prison.

15.01.2008 Polatsk: Court Fines Katsiaryna Salauyova

The Young Front activist from Polatsk Katsiaryna Salauyova was fined 1 050 000 rubles (about 488 US dollars) for having made political graffiti on the walls of Polatsk city executive committee two months ago. The trial was led by the judge Abramava, Salauyova was defended by the lawyer Aliaksandr Haliyeu.

14.01.2008 Criminal Case Brought on 10 December Action

The prosecutor’s office of Minsk has considered materials concerning the fact of organizing and holding of an unsanctioned meeting and process in Kastrychnitskaya Square and the central streets of Minsk on 10 January 2008 and stated that during its holding the public order was grossly violated and group actions associated with insubordination to lawful demands of the authorities and interruption of the city traffic.’

09.01.2008 Minsk: Criminal Case against Aliaksandr Zdvizhkou Reopened

Minsk city court has reopened a criminal case against the non-state newspaper Zgoda, which was brought two years ago for reprint of the prophet Mohammad charges from a Danish newspaper.

08.01.2008 Criminal Case against Youth Activist Katsiaryna Salauiova

On 28 a criminal case under article 193.1 of the Criminal Code was brought against the youth activist Katsiaryna Salauiova. She is suspected of activities on behalf of an unregistered youth organization Young Front.

20.12.2007 Harsh sentence to Artur Finkevich. 1.5 years of jail

Young Front activist Artur Finkevich is sentenced to 1.5 years in a penal colony.

20.12.2007 Prosecutor demands 2 years of imprisonment for Finkevich

Artur Finkevich is to say his last statement on trial today.

19.12.2007 Artur Finkevich to Be Tried on December 20

The trial will start at 10.30 a.m., on December 20th, 2007 at Kastrychnitski court of Mahiliou.

19.12.2007 Criminal Cases against Three Activists Renewed

Cases against Homel regional activists began the second dozen of criminal cases against Young Front members.  

18.12.2007 New Criminal Case in Hrodna

Today a new criminal case was instigated in Hrodna. Aliaksei Sarnou, 23, is charged under Article 341 of the Criminal Code for graffiti on the walls. He wrote just two words: “Return Benefits”.

14.12.2007 Prosecutor’s Office Abstains from Bringing New Criminal Case against Ivan Shyla

Recently the father of the youth activist Ivan Shyla has paid a visit to the prosecutor’s office of Salihorsk. As a result of a check-up it was decided not to bring a criminal case against Ivan. Still, the police can appeal against this decision of the prosecutor’s office.

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